April 3 The Corsica social republic with approving from Italy sells all three pica Class Torpedo Boats (MC Bonifacio , MC Porto , MC Ajaccio ) to its fellow central alliance member Spain in order to remove ships the it can not fully man and who are a burden to its weak economy , the three ships are to be handed over to the Spanish navy before 1947 and witch are also a step in the rearm program of general Franco to create a armed force to be reckoned with and to tilt the French/British presence in the Mediterranean Sea in favor to Spain and the central alliance , the Marine de Corse still relies on Italy to help them man its two destroyers and one cruiser du their shortest of manpower and the rivalry between the Marine de Corse and the large Armée de Corse ). April 5 The SMS Graf Zeppelin arrives in Wilhelmshaven where it will be deployed as part of the North sea fleet.
April 6 The US congress passes its Argentina weapons embargo a month after president Peron took office in Argentina and resumed military trade with Germany something which under UN resolution 1 is forbidden the united states tried to warn Argentine not to trade by refusing to sell weapons but when Argentina ignore the warning the US has put the Argentina weapons embargo in effect which forbids the US from selling military hardware to them the embargo will be in effect and in the future the US will look if more sanctions are needed to force Argentina to halt trade to Germany ore central alliance nations.
April 7 Syria's independence from France is officially recognized by the French republic and the first agreement is made witch allows the French to station troops in the new country of Syria until 1950 ( the new Syrian government dos not want to get involved in the eastern war ore the Kurdish uprising which is going on in Turkey/Iraq and because the British who previous had troops in Syria are now being deployed in Iraq the Syrian government had no choice to ask the French to position troops in its country until its has a army to defend its self and the situation an its border are returned to normal ).
April 8 after hard street by street fighting the city of Taipei comes under the control of the US northern Force army and with this halve of Formosa is under US control ( the middle and several city’s on Formosa are still under Japanese control but with Taipei now captured the US northern Force army can focus on destroying the remaining Japanese pockets ).
April 9 Helldivers, Dauntless, Avengers, Corsairs , Super Corsair ,Bearcats and Hellcats based on taskforce 60 six fleet carriers and eight light carriers attack numerous targets on the Japanese home island suffering only minor losses to their planes as Japanese Ohka Suicide rockets and mini-subs try to sink the ships from the taskforce both are sunk ore shoot down before the can cause major damage to the taskforce ( the Japanese imperial navy operates the mini subs in groups trying to penetrated the US defense and to sink ore damaging US navy ships will the Imperial Japanese Army Air Service use Ohka and Tsurugi suicide planes but du to superior US radar and fighter coverage the kamikaze attacks are fruitless ).
April 11 The crisis in north Iraq turns much worst when several car and suicide bombs exploded in several city’s in north Iraq killing ore wounding more then a dozen British/ commonwealth soldiers and Iraqi civilians ( the attack was made by Kurdish fighters based out of Turkey , the German troops aiding the Turkish fighters are not aware that their weapons and training are use for these attacks nor do the have orders to widen the uprising as the Germans fear a possible reaction from the British who warned not to escalade the eastern war conflict in to Iraq ore Iran ).
April 12 Stalin flank by NVDK soldiers visit one of the massive assembly areas where the soviet union in total secrecy is massing their forces for the planed operation red force which will be the biggest operation sins the war began in 1941 for the soviet later he meets with several of his marshals and orders that operation red force begins on may 7.
April 13 The united states host a attempt to resolve the crisis between the soviet union and Iran begins when high ranking officials of both country’s meet in Washington DC to resolve the crisis ( the talks between the soviet union and Iran failed forcing the united states to intervene as both country’s have demands the other dos not want to comply with creating a situation in a region which is already tense du the eastern war and the situation in Iraq , the soviet union demands are that the Trans-Iranian Railway remains open for goods to be sent to the soviet union , the problem of the independent Republic of Mahabad is solved , the guarantee that Iran remains neutral in the conflict and to honor the Tri-Partite Treaty of Alliance with Britain and the Soviet Union signed in 1942, will Iran wants the soviets to leave as soon as possible ).
April 16 After many long hours and days of talks in Washington DC an agreement is made between the soviet union and Iran in which the two country’s agree that that the soviet union will withdraw from Iran after receiving a promise of oil concessions , the problem of the independent Republic of Mahabad is to be solved by the Iran in support of the united states who will send military advisors and equipment to aid them in this mission ( the soviet forces currently deployed in Iran will leave when the Iran begins its campaign against the IRM ).
The first massive bombing raid on a Manchukuo city begins when B-29s from the USAAF XX Bomber Command hit the city of Mukden before flying back to their bases in china ( the USAAF XX Bomber Command has begun shifting their attacks with the situation on Formosa now such that fighter and bomber planes can take of from the island giving the XX Bomber Command the possibility to shift their attacks as decided by the American–Chinese headquarters to attack targets much heavier then in the past in state of Manchukuo and Korea will also supporting the Chinese forces in their drive towards shanghai and Peking and their continuo siege on the Japanese hold cities of Hong Kong , Canton and Fort Bayard ).
April 16 The Kaiserliche Marine increase its patrols in the north sea du the high activity from soviet submarines patrolling the sea and which now is called the battle of the north sea which began after the sinking of the Zerstörer SMS 34 on December 6 1945 by soviet submarines who use the British territorial waters for protection and supplies much to the horror of the Germans who can do noting to strike at the soviet submarine tender laying in British waters then protesting diplomatic with out much results ( the battle of the north sea has forced the Netherlands , British ,Norwegians and Danish to move in convoys as the soviet could mistake them from Germans and to prevent action from the Germans side ).
April 17 In a ceremony the Regia Marina presents the RN Aquila which after more then vive years of buildings and delays is finally commissioned in the Regia Marina service becoming its first carrier ( the carrier can handle 60 naval version of the RE.2005 fighter , for more information about the RN Aquila check the Italian Royal Navy/ Regia Marina topic ).
April 18 With gun fights and bombing and massive riots now happening in across north Iraq British prime minster Churchill gives orders to the commander in Baghdad who is in charge of the British lead Commonwealth Iraqforce to use all means possible to aid Iraq in brining order to north Iraq , to prevent the situation from spilling over to Iran ore other countries , to allow any soviet ore Turkish ground ore air units to land and to be aided when in Iraq , to engage all hostile forces entering Iraq from the air ore by land but prime minster Churchill also orders not to escalate the eastern war by engaging German and Italian units ore air units fighting in Turkey.
April 19 Field marshal Rommel and his staff discuses the soviet buildup unaware the soviets are planning something big forcing field marshal Rommel to increase the entire eastern front in order to prevent the soviets from attempting something would attack, Field marshal Rommel also request more troops which are use for garrison duty’s in occupied Poland and Belarus and which he intends to replace with Slovak and the newly created Belarusian imperial interior force ( BIIF ) which is 25,000 strong and which falls under the control of German imperial army ( the Belarusian imperial interior force is created in order to allow German soldiers to be deployed on the eastern front and to help rebuilding Germany itself the BIIF is made op of Belarusian who have declared loyalty to the German Kaiser ).
April 20 The State of East Indonesia Republic ( SEIR ) consisting of the main island of Celebes and the Japanese control parts of Western New Guinea and smaller island still under Japanese control declares its independence from the Netherlands with its main administrative capital in Makassar Celebes , its is the successor to the Provisional Kalimantan Republic forces (PKR ) which was disbanded after the Dutch retook control over Borneo and has become part of the SEIR and which claims not only Borneo but also the Dutch held island of java and Sumatra as part of a great independent Indonesia ). April 21 Field marshal Rommel receive permission to deploy addition troop from occupied Belarus to the German-Belarus panther line in order to prepare for a possible soviet attack ( the Buh/Bismarck line is also quit after the failed soviet attempts to cross it ).
April 23 The second H0 229 V5 bomber raid on Moscow is done when 10 Hortens drop 20 500 kg (1,100 lb) bombs on the red square despite soviet AA being fired but non of the 10 Hortens is hit and all mange to land safely on a German airfield in occupied Poland ( the soviets have British made radar around Moscow and heavy air defense forces protecting the city ).
April 25 The German and the Dutch governments reach a deal in which the agree to trade the body of Kaiser Wilhelm III who is buried in the Netherlands for Dutch art stolen from the Dutch during the occupation and the hand over of some escaped persons wanted by the Dutch , this agreement which was don in total secrecy is despite the bad relationship between Germany and the Netherlands a little step in a new direction ( the agreement is for now still a secret as the Dutch government fears the backlash that can come out if it is revealed that the have secret negations with Germany who one year before had occupied their country ).
April 27 Admiral Canaris head of the KVS reads reports written by the Abwehr officers based in Turkish Kurdistan and begins to believe that his planed uprising is spinning out of control now the Kurdish uprising has spread into north Iraq and Iran but he now’s that the uprising is forcing the Turkish army to deploy troops in to the areas and away from the Turkish front and therefore believes that as long as the British don’t take action against Germany ore here central alliance the support and training will continuo ( the Germans have 400 paratroopers and Abwehr officers training the Kurdish soldiers in fighting the Turkish army as of April 1946 ).
April 28 The Regia Marina carrier RN Aquila leaves the naval base of La Spezia for its new training base in Taranto ( the Italian Navy High Command decided to move the carrier to Taranto as La Spezia is to close to the French republic and therefore the carrier will be based in Taranto where it begins its sea and carrier trails in the Adriatic sea ).
Sunday, August 26, 2007
Sunday, August 12, 2007
Part 26 1946
February 3 Patton US northern Force army closes in to the Japanese hold city of Taipei on Formosa ( by now the Japanese Taipei garrison has use the time to prepare them self even if the city is under constant attack from the USAAF XX Bomber Command and TF-90 ).
February 7 German recon planes and ground surveillance begin noticing decrease activity on the German-soviet east front as the soviet continuo their build up for the planed red force operation .
February 8 The empire of Germany celebrates its first year as being a monarchy again with a large military parade in Berlin witch showcase the best Germany has it is also attended by several central alliance head of stats including president Laval of the SCR which is his first state visit sins becoming president of the SCR.
February 9 Doctor Wernher von Braun shows several high ranking officers of the German imperial army a muck up model of a large rocket, the rocket called the V-5 which will be the successor of the now produce V-4 rocket and can if build reach targets in as far Scotland in the UK and also is more reliably then the old V-2 rockets and the V-4 rockets currently in use.
February 10 The SMS Graf Zeppelin is officially commission by Princess Viktoria Luise of Prussia sister of Kaiser William the third after completing a four month sea trail the ship now will begin training handling fighter and bombers of it.
The German imperial high command fearing that the soviets are op to something du report from recon over the soviet territory and the fact it is quit on the border order the recon mission over soviet territory to increase in order to find out what the soviet are op to will also the begin to make plans incase their worst fear is realize.
February 14 Prime minster Churchill warns the German ambassador that the UK will not tolerant if the Kurdish uprising spread into Iraq and also warns that if this happens it will do everything it feels right to protect its interest in the region even going so fare to support the Turkish republic. The siege of Taipei begins when the US northern Force army reaches the first defense line outside the city.
February 19 The first FW-200T fighter plane take of from the SMS Graf Zeppelin as it begins its first officially patrol in the Baltic sea escorted by four destroyers ( the SMS Graf Zeppelin has 30 FW-200T fighter planes , 12 JU-87E dive/torpedo bombers and 6 Fl 282 helicopters on board ).
After two weeks of negations between Iran and the soviet union the talks stall du demands not being fulfilled by the two nations ( the soviet union refuse to leave Iran until the independent Republic of Mahabad problem is resolved and because the still don’t thrust the Iran government who the believe still is harboring pro German feelings will Iran wants the soviet army to leave as soon as possible ).
February 21 More British army divisions arrive in the Iraq city of Kirkuk and Irbil where the together with the small royal Iraq army will try to prevent the Kurdish uprising from spreading to Iraq ( the British already have garrison force in Mosul in order to protect the vital oil fields and other small garrison forces across Iraq .
A Luftwaffe Ar 234R reconnaissance jet is shoot down by soviet AA guns when it flew over a area where the soviet army is massing for the upcoming red force operation before the recon plane was shoot down it reported large amount of tanks and other activate in the area it flew over.
The first attempt of the US northern Force army to enter Taipei begins when a massive artillery barrage and US soldier protected by tanks and APC begin their advance on the Japanese hold city ( the Japanese have more then 90,000 soldiers and naval personal and many thousand of civilians who believe the have no other choice then to protect the city wile the US northern Force army is more then 300,000 strong and still growing).
February 23 Despite large number of troops available to the US northern Force army the fail to breach the defense line surrounding Taipei du the fanatic soldiers manning the trenches and fortifications causing large numbers of dead ore wounded on both sides.
February 24 Juan Peron becomes president of Argentina and tells on a radio broadcast that Argentina will seek friendship with united states and Germany and that Argentina will trade with both of them (president Peron knows that the UN has passed a resolution which forbids trade with Germany ore any central alliance member to take place but also now that du early military trade with Germany the united states now refuse to sell them weapons and therefore Argentina has no other choice to trade with Germany in order to remain a strong force in south America).
Stalin after hearing about German recon planes flying over the assembly areas tells is commanders that even with pictures the Germans can not figure out what the soviet army is planning and not to worry and that the build up for the biggest offensive in soviet history will continuo as progress ( Stalin dos not now the Germans already are beginning to get worry du the low activity on the German-soviet border and the pictures the receive are beginning to get them more worried as the don’t now if the can stop a massive offensive of this size ).
February 25 The Chief of Staff of the United States Army advices the president to postpone the invasion of Japan which was planed in march for the time being as the Formosa campaign requires more and more troops and the US army nor navy are yet on full strength to prepare their invasion instead he suggest the USAAF to continuo their massive bombing and to begin with dropping new A-bombs on Japanese city’s after the last was drop in august and to focus on freeing the Chinese mainland before attempting a invasion of the Japanese home islands and to tighten the blockade of the Japanese home islands.
Two days after the failed attempt by the US northern Force army to get thru the defense line surrounding the city general Patton request for a massive bomber raid on the city in order to soften up its defense and to undermined the will of the people in side.
February 27 The republic of Portugal declares war on the empire of Japan after several attempts of getting the now besieged Portuguese colony of macu back ( the declaration of war is mostly symbolic but shows that Portugal is heading funder towards a pro British/American position manly du Spain membership in the central alliance ).
March 2 With the situation still problematic in Iran British troops under Tehran Conference agreement begin to leave will the soviet armed forces present in the country still refuse despite attempt by both the British and the untied states to resolved the matter ( the united states has offered to send equipment and military advisors in order to help Iran fight the independent Republic of Mahabad and to keep its neutrality in the soviet-central alliance war/Eastern war.
March 4 Field marshal Rommel is made commander of all German and central alliance force on the east front and is ordered by the German high command to ready German forces for the upcoming soviet offensive they believe that will happen soon.
March 6 In order to normalize the situation the French republic signs a agreement with Ho Chi Minh which recognizes Vietnam as an autonomous state in the Indochinese Federation and the French Union ( this has bin don as the Viet Minh who after the October revolution went to the countryside still remain a force to be recon with and therefore the French republic believes that singing this agreement will keep French Indochina French ).
March 7 Under a agreement the royal Dutch army air service hands over the first of their Vickers Wellington bombers back to the RAF and also begins disbanding the two Vickers Wellington squadron the 540 and 541 their job will be handle in the future by former B-25 of the Royal Netherlands East Indies Army Air Force witch du the Dutch indies mostly under control of the Netherlands can be put in to service in defending the home country.
March 9 Outside a RAF base Mosul a large bomb explodes killing more then 30 British soldiers and Iraqi civilians are killed ore wounded ( RAF base Mosul is mostly use for recon mission over the north Iraq in order to watch if Kurdish fighter in turkey do not cross into Iraq ).
March 10 A B-29S of the 509th Composite Group drops a 20 kiloton A-bomb on the Japanese city of Kawasaki killing more then 23,000 people.
March 11 More then 300 B-29 bombers of the USSAF XX Bomber Command raid the city of Taipei in leveling the besieged city and causing massive losses in lives.
March 14 Using information gather by British army intelligence several house are raided by British soldiers back by tanks in one raid a fire fight brake out killing and wounding a dozen British soldiers and bystanders who where looking by the British in one house find several German and Italian made weapons proving that the RAF Mosul bombing is connected with the Kurdish uprising in turkey.
March 17 The first bombing campaign on Moscow sins the Germans where push back out of it in 1942 by 12 Ho229 V5 Moscow bombers will the damage by them is not severe it still startles the soviet as the did not believe Germany could hit Moscow ( the Germans now have 24 Ho229 V5 Moscow bombers in service and 24 more on order ).
A Second air raid by a force of 150 B-29 against Taipei begins when the drop Incendiary bombs in order to set the city on fire and to destroy what left of the city.
March 16 With the Germans having commissioned their first carrier the SMS Graf Zeppelin Mussolini prime minister of Italy orders his admirals to finish the aircraft carrier RN Aquila before the year is don as he want to show the world that Italy can and is still a powerful nation ( the Regia Marina has three carrier under construction the first is the RN Aquila which construction was halted during the war and witch work began in middle of 1945 , the RN Alcon formerly the RN Impero a ship of the Littorio battleship type which will be converted as a carrier and the RN corvine a totally new to be build carrier ).
March 19 A large group of protester in the city of Mosul go on the street protesting the British presence in the city and the raid the conducted several days ago the peaceful demonstration turns violent after several Iraq army soldiers already under nerve fire on some protesters after the refuse to stop at a checkpoint in the city ( the royal Iraq army is only 10,000 strong as the British still have large forces in Iraq mostly in north Iraq which falls under the British control with the royal Iraq army being in the middle and south of Iraq but some Iraq units also are percent in the north ).
With two massive air raids over the US northern Force army attempts for the second time to breach the defensive line outside the now destroyed city of Taipei whit a massive charge finally makes progress as the Japanese defenders are hit not only from the ground but naval support of taskforce 30 witch replaced TF-90 and has more then 12 carriers several battleships , cruiser and many destroyers firing on Japanese positions.
March 20 The 7th A-bomb is drop on the Japanese city of Osaka by a B-29S the A- bomb of 22 kiloton kills more then 30,000 people mostly workers who had remain in the city to keep the war machine going.
March 23 Riots have broken out in north Iraq after a several incidents between Kurdish natives living in the north and British and Iraqis army units.
The first sign the Japanese defenders of Taipei are loosing is when the Americans manage to break to one of the line and enter the outskirts of the city itself where manly Japanese troop are hiding in the rubble waiting to cause as much destruction to the US northern Force army soldiers.
March 28 The royal Dutch navy commissions its first navy ship build sins the return of the Dutch government when the Dutch K-class sloop Piet Hein is commission the name Piet Hein was used by a Admiralen-class destroyers which was Sunk by Japanese Destroyers during the Battle of Badung Strait on February 19 1942 , the HNLMS Piet Hein will join the Dutch navy in the Netherlands.
March 27 In total secrecy the German government begin negations between them and the Dutch government in order to get the body of the former Kaiser Wilhelm II back ( the negations happen in the Dutch Representative Office in Berlin and involves several high ranking Dutch citizens who want Dutch art back witch the Germans took when the occupied their country wile the Germans with the restoration of the German monarchy want the body of the former Kaiser Wilhelm and father of current Kaiser Wilhelm III who is buried in the Netherlands to return to Germany the negations are don in secrecy as the Dutch now that the hate against the Germans is still strong in the Netherlands ).
March 29 With riots now broken out all across north Iraq and a Kurdish uprising in turkey British prime minster Churchill orders the British army in Iraq to stop the unrest before it becomes a full blown uprising something he dos not want to happen , prime minster Churchill also warn the German ambassador that evidence was found of German made weapons which found in Mosul and witch is also one of the reason why riots in north Iraq have broke out the German ambassador tells that German weapons are sold on the black market and that no prove of direct German involvement in the riots ore the Mosul bombing are found and that Germany is has the right to help the Kurds in Turkey fight agianst oppression. The US northern Force army finally manages to battle itself to the city itself with street to street fighting between American and Japanese forces.
March 30 On the plains of the soviet union the last preparations for operation red force are done as more man , tanks and artillery ever assemble in the history of the soviet union begin their last preparations for the librations of Europe form Germany and here allies .
February 7 German recon planes and ground surveillance begin noticing decrease activity on the German-soviet east front as the soviet continuo their build up for the planed red force operation .
February 8 The empire of Germany celebrates its first year as being a monarchy again with a large military parade in Berlin witch showcase the best Germany has it is also attended by several central alliance head of stats including president Laval of the SCR which is his first state visit sins becoming president of the SCR.
February 9 Doctor Wernher von Braun shows several high ranking officers of the German imperial army a muck up model of a large rocket, the rocket called the V-5 which will be the successor of the now produce V-4 rocket and can if build reach targets in as far Scotland in the UK and also is more reliably then the old V-2 rockets and the V-4 rockets currently in use.
February 10 The SMS Graf Zeppelin is officially commission by Princess Viktoria Luise of Prussia sister of Kaiser William the third after completing a four month sea trail the ship now will begin training handling fighter and bombers of it.
The German imperial high command fearing that the soviets are op to something du report from recon over the soviet territory and the fact it is quit on the border order the recon mission over soviet territory to increase in order to find out what the soviet are op to will also the begin to make plans incase their worst fear is realize.
February 14 Prime minster Churchill warns the German ambassador that the UK will not tolerant if the Kurdish uprising spread into Iraq and also warns that if this happens it will do everything it feels right to protect its interest in the region even going so fare to support the Turkish republic. The siege of Taipei begins when the US northern Force army reaches the first defense line outside the city.
February 19 The first FW-200T fighter plane take of from the SMS Graf Zeppelin as it begins its first officially patrol in the Baltic sea escorted by four destroyers ( the SMS Graf Zeppelin has 30 FW-200T fighter planes , 12 JU-87E dive/torpedo bombers and 6 Fl 282 helicopters on board ).
After two weeks of negations between Iran and the soviet union the talks stall du demands not being fulfilled by the two nations ( the soviet union refuse to leave Iran until the independent Republic of Mahabad problem is resolved and because the still don’t thrust the Iran government who the believe still is harboring pro German feelings will Iran wants the soviet army to leave as soon as possible ).
February 21 More British army divisions arrive in the Iraq city of Kirkuk and Irbil where the together with the small royal Iraq army will try to prevent the Kurdish uprising from spreading to Iraq ( the British already have garrison force in Mosul in order to protect the vital oil fields and other small garrison forces across Iraq .
A Luftwaffe Ar 234R reconnaissance jet is shoot down by soviet AA guns when it flew over a area where the soviet army is massing for the upcoming red force operation before the recon plane was shoot down it reported large amount of tanks and other activate in the area it flew over.
The first attempt of the US northern Force army to enter Taipei begins when a massive artillery barrage and US soldier protected by tanks and APC begin their advance on the Japanese hold city ( the Japanese have more then 90,000 soldiers and naval personal and many thousand of civilians who believe the have no other choice then to protect the city wile the US northern Force army is more then 300,000 strong and still growing).
February 23 Despite large number of troops available to the US northern Force army the fail to breach the defense line surrounding Taipei du the fanatic soldiers manning the trenches and fortifications causing large numbers of dead ore wounded on both sides.
February 24 Juan Peron becomes president of Argentina and tells on a radio broadcast that Argentina will seek friendship with united states and Germany and that Argentina will trade with both of them (president Peron knows that the UN has passed a resolution which forbids trade with Germany ore any central alliance member to take place but also now that du early military trade with Germany the united states now refuse to sell them weapons and therefore Argentina has no other choice to trade with Germany in order to remain a strong force in south America).
Stalin after hearing about German recon planes flying over the assembly areas tells is commanders that even with pictures the Germans can not figure out what the soviet army is planning and not to worry and that the build up for the biggest offensive in soviet history will continuo as progress ( Stalin dos not now the Germans already are beginning to get worry du the low activity on the German-soviet border and the pictures the receive are beginning to get them more worried as the don’t now if the can stop a massive offensive of this size ).
February 25 The Chief of Staff of the United States Army advices the president to postpone the invasion of Japan which was planed in march for the time being as the Formosa campaign requires more and more troops and the US army nor navy are yet on full strength to prepare their invasion instead he suggest the USAAF to continuo their massive bombing and to begin with dropping new A-bombs on Japanese city’s after the last was drop in august and to focus on freeing the Chinese mainland before attempting a invasion of the Japanese home islands and to tighten the blockade of the Japanese home islands.
Two days after the failed attempt by the US northern Force army to get thru the defense line surrounding the city general Patton request for a massive bomber raid on the city in order to soften up its defense and to undermined the will of the people in side.
February 27 The republic of Portugal declares war on the empire of Japan after several attempts of getting the now besieged Portuguese colony of macu back ( the declaration of war is mostly symbolic but shows that Portugal is heading funder towards a pro British/American position manly du Spain membership in the central alliance ).
March 2 With the situation still problematic in Iran British troops under Tehran Conference agreement begin to leave will the soviet armed forces present in the country still refuse despite attempt by both the British and the untied states to resolved the matter ( the united states has offered to send equipment and military advisors in order to help Iran fight the independent Republic of Mahabad and to keep its neutrality in the soviet-central alliance war/Eastern war.
March 4 Field marshal Rommel is made commander of all German and central alliance force on the east front and is ordered by the German high command to ready German forces for the upcoming soviet offensive they believe that will happen soon.
March 6 In order to normalize the situation the French republic signs a agreement with Ho Chi Minh which recognizes Vietnam as an autonomous state in the Indochinese Federation and the French Union ( this has bin don as the Viet Minh who after the October revolution went to the countryside still remain a force to be recon with and therefore the French republic believes that singing this agreement will keep French Indochina French ).
March 7 Under a agreement the royal Dutch army air service hands over the first of their Vickers Wellington bombers back to the RAF and also begins disbanding the two Vickers Wellington squadron the 540 and 541 their job will be handle in the future by former B-25 of the Royal Netherlands East Indies Army Air Force witch du the Dutch indies mostly under control of the Netherlands can be put in to service in defending the home country.
March 9 Outside a RAF base Mosul a large bomb explodes killing more then 30 British soldiers and Iraqi civilians are killed ore wounded ( RAF base Mosul is mostly use for recon mission over the north Iraq in order to watch if Kurdish fighter in turkey do not cross into Iraq ).
March 10 A B-29S of the 509th Composite Group drops a 20 kiloton A-bomb on the Japanese city of Kawasaki killing more then 23,000 people.
March 11 More then 300 B-29 bombers of the USSAF XX Bomber Command raid the city of Taipei in leveling the besieged city and causing massive losses in lives.
March 14 Using information gather by British army intelligence several house are raided by British soldiers back by tanks in one raid a fire fight brake out killing and wounding a dozen British soldiers and bystanders who where looking by the British in one house find several German and Italian made weapons proving that the RAF Mosul bombing is connected with the Kurdish uprising in turkey.
March 17 The first bombing campaign on Moscow sins the Germans where push back out of it in 1942 by 12 Ho229 V5 Moscow bombers will the damage by them is not severe it still startles the soviet as the did not believe Germany could hit Moscow ( the Germans now have 24 Ho229 V5 Moscow bombers in service and 24 more on order ).
A Second air raid by a force of 150 B-29 against Taipei begins when the drop Incendiary bombs in order to set the city on fire and to destroy what left of the city.
March 16 With the Germans having commissioned their first carrier the SMS Graf Zeppelin Mussolini prime minister of Italy orders his admirals to finish the aircraft carrier RN Aquila before the year is don as he want to show the world that Italy can and is still a powerful nation ( the Regia Marina has three carrier under construction the first is the RN Aquila which construction was halted during the war and witch work began in middle of 1945 , the RN Alcon formerly the RN Impero a ship of the Littorio battleship type which will be converted as a carrier and the RN corvine a totally new to be build carrier ).
March 19 A large group of protester in the city of Mosul go on the street protesting the British presence in the city and the raid the conducted several days ago the peaceful demonstration turns violent after several Iraq army soldiers already under nerve fire on some protesters after the refuse to stop at a checkpoint in the city ( the royal Iraq army is only 10,000 strong as the British still have large forces in Iraq mostly in north Iraq which falls under the British control with the royal Iraq army being in the middle and south of Iraq but some Iraq units also are percent in the north ).
With two massive air raids over the US northern Force army attempts for the second time to breach the defensive line outside the now destroyed city of Taipei whit a massive charge finally makes progress as the Japanese defenders are hit not only from the ground but naval support of taskforce 30 witch replaced TF-90 and has more then 12 carriers several battleships , cruiser and many destroyers firing on Japanese positions.
March 20 The 7th A-bomb is drop on the Japanese city of Osaka by a B-29S the A- bomb of 22 kiloton kills more then 30,000 people mostly workers who had remain in the city to keep the war machine going.
March 23 Riots have broken out in north Iraq after a several incidents between Kurdish natives living in the north and British and Iraqis army units.
The first sign the Japanese defenders of Taipei are loosing is when the Americans manage to break to one of the line and enter the outskirts of the city itself where manly Japanese troop are hiding in the rubble waiting to cause as much destruction to the US northern Force army soldiers.
March 28 The royal Dutch navy commissions its first navy ship build sins the return of the Dutch government when the Dutch K-class sloop Piet Hein is commission the name Piet Hein was used by a Admiralen-class destroyers which was Sunk by Japanese Destroyers during the Battle of Badung Strait on February 19 1942 , the HNLMS Piet Hein will join the Dutch navy in the Netherlands.
March 27 In total secrecy the German government begin negations between them and the Dutch government in order to get the body of the former Kaiser Wilhelm II back ( the negations happen in the Dutch Representative Office in Berlin and involves several high ranking Dutch citizens who want Dutch art back witch the Germans took when the occupied their country wile the Germans with the restoration of the German monarchy want the body of the former Kaiser Wilhelm and father of current Kaiser Wilhelm III who is buried in the Netherlands to return to Germany the negations are don in secrecy as the Dutch now that the hate against the Germans is still strong in the Netherlands ).
March 29 With riots now broken out all across north Iraq and a Kurdish uprising in turkey British prime minster Churchill orders the British army in Iraq to stop the unrest before it becomes a full blown uprising something he dos not want to happen , prime minster Churchill also warn the German ambassador that evidence was found of German made weapons which found in Mosul and witch is also one of the reason why riots in north Iraq have broke out the German ambassador tells that German weapons are sold on the black market and that no prove of direct German involvement in the riots ore the Mosul bombing are found and that Germany is has the right to help the Kurds in Turkey fight agianst oppression. The US northern Force army finally manages to battle itself to the city itself with street to street fighting between American and Japanese forces.
March 30 On the plains of the soviet union the last preparations for operation red force are done as more man , tanks and artillery ever assemble in the history of the soviet union begin their last preparations for the librations of Europe form Germany and here allies .
Tuesday, August 7, 2007
Part 25 1946
January 1 With a new year arrived General Dwight Eisenhower commander of the AFEMT is honored by the Dutch queen Wilhelmina when he receive the Order of the Dutch Lion in the Dutch capitol of den Hague ( General Eisenhower has visit den Hague in order to disuse matters related to the defense of the free European country’s with Field Marshal Bernard Montgomery commander of the British Army of the Benelux ( BATB ) and who is also the deputy Commander of the AFEMT , for more information about the AFEMT go to the Allied Force European mainland Theatre topic ).
January 3 Chinese forces surrounding the city of Fort Bayard in China begin a massive charge against he Japanese defenders who by sheer luck manage to repulse the charge against heavy lose of the Chinese forces after this a decisions is made by the American–Chinese headquarters to starve and bomb out the Japanese who are hold up in the city’s of Hong Kong , Canton and Fort Bayard and to concerted on a new offensive against the Japanese in shanghai , Hainan and to increase the bombing against the Japanese puppet state of Manchukuo and the Japanese province of Korea ( the Japanese imperial army holding Hainan are sins the invasion of Formosa and the Chinese offence of the three city totally cut of and are in a weak but still dangerous stat will the Japanese army in shanghai have used its inhabitants to create a line protecting its city , the Japanese puppet state of Manchukuo still has large Japanese forces will it is under attack by the USAAF daily mostly all attention is going to the Japanese home island but with the new decision by the American–Chinese headquarters the state of Manchukuo and Korea will receive as much attention of the USAAF in the future as well ).
January 7 General Patton US northern Force army reaches the outskirts of the city Suao which he has to clear before continuing his advance towards Taipei to do this he use his M26 Pershing tanks of witch he brought some 100 with him after he transferred from his position as the commander of the fourth US Europe force corps (general Patton brought 100 M26 Pershing tanks with him is that the tank never saw action against the Germans du the peace was sign before any could be ship over , the Pershing tanks may be overkill but its is its first combat test sins it was build and general Patton believes that any battle the tank is in will help it to become a better tank if it ever has to face the German panzers , after a month of fighting the death and wounded of the US forces battling on Formosa and of the naval taskforce assisting it has reach the 10,000 mark with more then 400,000 soldiers , marines and sailors beginning to face a determine enemy bent on slowing their advance of capturing the island ).
January 9 A British merchant ship hits a mine near the soviet port of Murmansk but manages to enter the port with a gaping hole in its side , the same day the British government warns Germany it will not tolerate any mines being laid near the soviet ports of Murmansk and Archangel ( later prime minster Churchill orders the royal navy to reinstate the convoy system witch was disbanded after the Zurich peace was sign for ships heading to and from soviet ports on the Barents sea , the Germans have begun laying mines near the ports to keep the soviet navy tide up and to prevent merchant ship from entering toss ports ).
January 10 With the help of heavy air and artillery barrage general Patton order his infantry back by Sherman’s , perishing tanks and other vehicles to enter the bow ruined town of Suao which has a small but wheal dug in Japanese garrison.
January 11 Charles de Gaulle resigns as a head of the French provisional government but tells the provisional government that the most be united against the treat from the east and stand firm in their demands that Corsica returns to the French republic (Charles de Gaulle resigned on the same things that he did in OTL but unlike OTL , the French republic still dos not recognize the Corsica social republic and Charles de Gaulle warns that with him not the head of the French provisional government anymore the new government most recognize and stand firm in their demands that Corsica returns as a province of the French republic ).
January 12 All over the soviet union new tanks , artillery and airplanes begin to gather at staging points as the soviet begin to prepare fro the upcoming operation red force ( the soviet deploy their newest tanks like the T-44/22 and the newest of the IS class tank the IS-4 of which the soviet army has several regiments of , the soviets also are setting up two new bomber regiments which are to bomb the German frontline and strategic places before the offensive begins , in order to prevent German reconnaissance to detect the staging areas the NKVD guards them and has orders to shoot anybody who dos not have the right clearance to enter to prevent possible German spies from transmitting what is happening ).
January 13 In the French colony of Indochina the French Indochina Expeditionary Corps ( FIEC ) defeats the last Việt Minh troops in the city’s ( after losing the Việt Minh troops redraw themselves to the countryside to begin a guerrilla war against the French and to rearm and to increase their followers fore a future offensive witch the hope has better success in beating the French will also trying to seek support of the soviet union who as for now only supply’s the Việt Minh with few weapons du the war the are still fighting against the central alliance ).
January 14 The first Nakajima Kikka 2B jet squadron is activated with it the Imperial Japanese Army Air Service has a force of 100 Kikka jets of both the old 1A and the new 2B version in service who now daily battle the USAAF B-29 bombing the Japanese home islands ( the Kikka 2B jet is now the most modern jet in Japanese service but du to the resource extremely limit the few Kikka build are use only fore city defense wile the Shinden , Mitsubishi J8M interceptors and other fighters and who are available in large numbers protect and battle the USAAF are the primary fighters who try to stem the bombing campaign ).
January 15 Luftwaffe Ar-234R reconnaissance jets flying over turkey spot the first sign of movement by the Turkish army as it send more troops to east Turkey where a Kurdish uprising has begun to form ( both the Germans and Italians continuo to increase their support of the Kurds wile also trying to attack and to prevent the soviet from launching another raid against Rhodes as the first new Regia Aeronautica fighter sqodron has arrived to increase the defense of the island wile the Germans have agreed to supply the Italians with some Wasserfall surface-to-air missile to protect the island from any future soviet air attack , the Wasserfall , Rheintochter and the short range Rheinbote rocket witch now are produce in large amount of numbers to be deployed for the first time outside Germany who mainly deploys them on the border of the low country’s and France as the Germans deploy their majority of fighters on the east front ).
January 17 Another town is freed from the Japanese when the Americans now are faced with the fact that al towns and city on Formosa and witch are in the path to Taipei have to be taken in order to prevent any Japanese forces from operating behind the Americans forces ( because the Japanese have to dig themselves in and despite air attacks from the USAAF XX Bomber Command and planes from TF-90 the Japanese prevent the northern Force army from moving fast as the are force to clear the towns of Japanese which also is increasing the number of death as the Japanese imperial army has learn from the campaigns on Iwo Jima and Okinawa on how to slow and to maximize the casualties to the Americans ).The UN Security Council holds its first session in Church House, in London with the first resolution called resolution 1 passed by al the five permanent members (Republic of China, French Republic , USSR , Great Britain and the United States of America ) in witch the agree not to trade with any of the central alliance nations , that the CA nations can become members of the UN when the have made peace with the soviet union , republic of Turkey and the finish democratic republic , and have returned all of their territories including Poland and Yugoslavia too their respectful owners.
January 18 The German foreign minister calls the UN Security Council first resolution a attempt to salience Germany and here allies in the struggle against communisms and that the demands of resolution 1 are far to heavy and will therefore be ignored. The Royal Netherlands East Indies Army ( KNIL ) takes over full control of the Dutch Borneo with the Provisional Kalimantan Republic forces (PKRF ) being defeated by a joint Dutch/Australian armed forces ( the Australian will take over control over the British colony until being replace with British forces will the KNIL resumes its control over the Dutch colony on Borneo will trying to prevent the PKRF from resuming its uprising , Dutch Java and Sumatra are for now still calm as the Dutch never left and therefore prevented a uprising to take place the smaller island which the PKRF took over from the Japanese still in charge are also going to be invaded by the Dutch in order to restore the full Dutch control over the Dutch indies ).
January 19 The first complaint heard by the United Nations Security Council is made by Iran and directed against the Soviet Union. In which Iran alleged Soviet interference in its internal affairs and the refusal to remove Soviet troops from Iranian territory ( the soviet union still has troops in Iran and refuse to move them as Iran is still a important supply line for the Soviets and fears with the Kurdish uprising that it could spread to the soviet union ).
January 20 Charles De Gaulle resigns as president of the French provisional government and in a speech on the radio he address the people of the republic that the French republic stands united with its free European neighbors against the powers of evil and warns the so call Corsica social republic that whit him not leading France anymore it will not mean the republic will lay don its claim on the island nor will it ever recognize it as a independent country ( the evil he refuse to is Germany and all here central alliance members ).
January 21 The battle for Formosa continuous as general Patton request A-bombs to be drop on the towns near the route he is taken towards Taipei.
January 22 Admiral Chester W Nimitz commander of Central Pacific Area of witch the island of Formosa is part of tells general Patton that after speaking with president Truman the request for the use of more A-bombs on Formosa to assist the northern Force army in their advance towards Taipei is denied as he believes that the bombs are to valuable to be use on towns alone who have no strategic value and tells general Patton to do it the old fashion way.Qazi Muhammad declares the independent Republic of Mahabad ( this event has happen as the central alliance is increasing its aid to the Kurdish rebels in their fight against the Turkish forces and therefore he believes that his republic has a change to be recognize and receive aid as the Kurdish are getting it , In OTL the Republic of Mahabad was founded in northwestern Iran and was destroyed as the result of the cold war between the soviet and Americans as the USSR and the USA are still friends of sort and the Germans are backing the Kurds in turkey the independent Republic of Mahabad only worries is Iran ).
January 27 llan a town on Formosa is captured by the US northern Force army wile the south Force which is moving toward the city of shihtiping is bug down du Japanese resistance ( as for now both US army move along the coast leaving Japanese pockets in land for the time being ).
January 28 The German government recognize the independent Republic of Mahabad and begins to plan to send aid to them as wheal as to increase supply’s to the Kurdish rebels in turkey as the result of the uprising is forcing both the Turkish and the soviet forces to divert soldiers present at the Turkish front to east turkey in order to combat the rebels plus with the new independent Republic of Mahabad having declared their independence it increase the forces who are fighting against the soviet union and their allies ).
January 29 The royal Dutch navy creates the Dutch Pacific Squadron under command of Vice Admiral Helfrich and witch will become part of the US navy taskforce 60 where the will join the French FEF ( with the situation on Borneo under control and the war in the pacific shifted to several places and the planed US invasion of Japan still standing to begin on march 1946 the DPS is only small having one cruiser which is Vice Admiral Helfrich flagship , one destroyer , one river class frigate and one under him , admiral doorman remains the commander of the royal Dutch navy in the Dutch indies and now is begins to make plans for invasion of several smaller islands under control of the PKRF ore Japanese forces ).
January 30 With the situation in east Turkey escalating and afraid it can spill over to Iraq prime minster Churchill orders British and commonwealth troops to be sent to the border region of Iraq/Turkey and to prevent the Kurds present in Iraq from joining the uprising in Turkey.
January 31 The UN Security Council votes to allow Iran and the Soviet Union to settle their dispute by direct negotiation where the will find a solution to the problem concerning soviet troops being present in Iran ( the soviet union now tells the other members of the Security Council that its is correct in not leaving Iran as the independent Republic of Mahabad has declared their independence and is receiving aid from the central alliance and that the struggle witch it is fighting against the Germans is spreading and therefore it needs to protect its interest plus the soviet union fears that if it leaves Iran it will side with Germany as the Shah of Iran Reza Shah Pahlavi is known to harbor pro-German sympathies ).
January 3 Chinese forces surrounding the city of Fort Bayard in China begin a massive charge against he Japanese defenders who by sheer luck manage to repulse the charge against heavy lose of the Chinese forces after this a decisions is made by the American–Chinese headquarters to starve and bomb out the Japanese who are hold up in the city’s of Hong Kong , Canton and Fort Bayard and to concerted on a new offensive against the Japanese in shanghai , Hainan and to increase the bombing against the Japanese puppet state of Manchukuo and the Japanese province of Korea ( the Japanese imperial army holding Hainan are sins the invasion of Formosa and the Chinese offence of the three city totally cut of and are in a weak but still dangerous stat will the Japanese army in shanghai have used its inhabitants to create a line protecting its city , the Japanese puppet state of Manchukuo still has large Japanese forces will it is under attack by the USAAF daily mostly all attention is going to the Japanese home island but with the new decision by the American–Chinese headquarters the state of Manchukuo and Korea will receive as much attention of the USAAF in the future as well ).
January 7 General Patton US northern Force army reaches the outskirts of the city Suao which he has to clear before continuing his advance towards Taipei to do this he use his M26 Pershing tanks of witch he brought some 100 with him after he transferred from his position as the commander of the fourth US Europe force corps (general Patton brought 100 M26 Pershing tanks with him is that the tank never saw action against the Germans du the peace was sign before any could be ship over , the Pershing tanks may be overkill but its is its first combat test sins it was build and general Patton believes that any battle the tank is in will help it to become a better tank if it ever has to face the German panzers , after a month of fighting the death and wounded of the US forces battling on Formosa and of the naval taskforce assisting it has reach the 10,000 mark with more then 400,000 soldiers , marines and sailors beginning to face a determine enemy bent on slowing their advance of capturing the island ).
January 9 A British merchant ship hits a mine near the soviet port of Murmansk but manages to enter the port with a gaping hole in its side , the same day the British government warns Germany it will not tolerate any mines being laid near the soviet ports of Murmansk and Archangel ( later prime minster Churchill orders the royal navy to reinstate the convoy system witch was disbanded after the Zurich peace was sign for ships heading to and from soviet ports on the Barents sea , the Germans have begun laying mines near the ports to keep the soviet navy tide up and to prevent merchant ship from entering toss ports ).
January 10 With the help of heavy air and artillery barrage general Patton order his infantry back by Sherman’s , perishing tanks and other vehicles to enter the bow ruined town of Suao which has a small but wheal dug in Japanese garrison.
January 11 Charles de Gaulle resigns as a head of the French provisional government but tells the provisional government that the most be united against the treat from the east and stand firm in their demands that Corsica returns to the French republic (Charles de Gaulle resigned on the same things that he did in OTL but unlike OTL , the French republic still dos not recognize the Corsica social republic and Charles de Gaulle warns that with him not the head of the French provisional government anymore the new government most recognize and stand firm in their demands that Corsica returns as a province of the French republic ).
January 12 All over the soviet union new tanks , artillery and airplanes begin to gather at staging points as the soviet begin to prepare fro the upcoming operation red force ( the soviet deploy their newest tanks like the T-44/22 and the newest of the IS class tank the IS-4 of which the soviet army has several regiments of , the soviets also are setting up two new bomber regiments which are to bomb the German frontline and strategic places before the offensive begins , in order to prevent German reconnaissance to detect the staging areas the NKVD guards them and has orders to shoot anybody who dos not have the right clearance to enter to prevent possible German spies from transmitting what is happening ).
January 13 In the French colony of Indochina the French Indochina Expeditionary Corps ( FIEC ) defeats the last Việt Minh troops in the city’s ( after losing the Việt Minh troops redraw themselves to the countryside to begin a guerrilla war against the French and to rearm and to increase their followers fore a future offensive witch the hope has better success in beating the French will also trying to seek support of the soviet union who as for now only supply’s the Việt Minh with few weapons du the war the are still fighting against the central alliance ).
January 14 The first Nakajima Kikka 2B jet squadron is activated with it the Imperial Japanese Army Air Service has a force of 100 Kikka jets of both the old 1A and the new 2B version in service who now daily battle the USAAF B-29 bombing the Japanese home islands ( the Kikka 2B jet is now the most modern jet in Japanese service but du to the resource extremely limit the few Kikka build are use only fore city defense wile the Shinden , Mitsubishi J8M interceptors and other fighters and who are available in large numbers protect and battle the USAAF are the primary fighters who try to stem the bombing campaign ).
January 15 Luftwaffe Ar-234R reconnaissance jets flying over turkey spot the first sign of movement by the Turkish army as it send more troops to east Turkey where a Kurdish uprising has begun to form ( both the Germans and Italians continuo to increase their support of the Kurds wile also trying to attack and to prevent the soviet from launching another raid against Rhodes as the first new Regia Aeronautica fighter sqodron has arrived to increase the defense of the island wile the Germans have agreed to supply the Italians with some Wasserfall surface-to-air missile to protect the island from any future soviet air attack , the Wasserfall , Rheintochter and the short range Rheinbote rocket witch now are produce in large amount of numbers to be deployed for the first time outside Germany who mainly deploys them on the border of the low country’s and France as the Germans deploy their majority of fighters on the east front ).
January 17 Another town is freed from the Japanese when the Americans now are faced with the fact that al towns and city on Formosa and witch are in the path to Taipei have to be taken in order to prevent any Japanese forces from operating behind the Americans forces ( because the Japanese have to dig themselves in and despite air attacks from the USAAF XX Bomber Command and planes from TF-90 the Japanese prevent the northern Force army from moving fast as the are force to clear the towns of Japanese which also is increasing the number of death as the Japanese imperial army has learn from the campaigns on Iwo Jima and Okinawa on how to slow and to maximize the casualties to the Americans ).The UN Security Council holds its first session in Church House, in London with the first resolution called resolution 1 passed by al the five permanent members (Republic of China, French Republic , USSR , Great Britain and the United States of America ) in witch the agree not to trade with any of the central alliance nations , that the CA nations can become members of the UN when the have made peace with the soviet union , republic of Turkey and the finish democratic republic , and have returned all of their territories including Poland and Yugoslavia too their respectful owners.
January 18 The German foreign minister calls the UN Security Council first resolution a attempt to salience Germany and here allies in the struggle against communisms and that the demands of resolution 1 are far to heavy and will therefore be ignored. The Royal Netherlands East Indies Army ( KNIL ) takes over full control of the Dutch Borneo with the Provisional Kalimantan Republic forces (PKRF ) being defeated by a joint Dutch/Australian armed forces ( the Australian will take over control over the British colony until being replace with British forces will the KNIL resumes its control over the Dutch colony on Borneo will trying to prevent the PKRF from resuming its uprising , Dutch Java and Sumatra are for now still calm as the Dutch never left and therefore prevented a uprising to take place the smaller island which the PKRF took over from the Japanese still in charge are also going to be invaded by the Dutch in order to restore the full Dutch control over the Dutch indies ).
January 19 The first complaint heard by the United Nations Security Council is made by Iran and directed against the Soviet Union. In which Iran alleged Soviet interference in its internal affairs and the refusal to remove Soviet troops from Iranian territory ( the soviet union still has troops in Iran and refuse to move them as Iran is still a important supply line for the Soviets and fears with the Kurdish uprising that it could spread to the soviet union ).
January 20 Charles De Gaulle resigns as president of the French provisional government and in a speech on the radio he address the people of the republic that the French republic stands united with its free European neighbors against the powers of evil and warns the so call Corsica social republic that whit him not leading France anymore it will not mean the republic will lay don its claim on the island nor will it ever recognize it as a independent country ( the evil he refuse to is Germany and all here central alliance members ).
January 21 The battle for Formosa continuous as general Patton request A-bombs to be drop on the towns near the route he is taken towards Taipei.
January 22 Admiral Chester W Nimitz commander of Central Pacific Area of witch the island of Formosa is part of tells general Patton that after speaking with president Truman the request for the use of more A-bombs on Formosa to assist the northern Force army in their advance towards Taipei is denied as he believes that the bombs are to valuable to be use on towns alone who have no strategic value and tells general Patton to do it the old fashion way.Qazi Muhammad declares the independent Republic of Mahabad ( this event has happen as the central alliance is increasing its aid to the Kurdish rebels in their fight against the Turkish forces and therefore he believes that his republic has a change to be recognize and receive aid as the Kurdish are getting it , In OTL the Republic of Mahabad was founded in northwestern Iran and was destroyed as the result of the cold war between the soviet and Americans as the USSR and the USA are still friends of sort and the Germans are backing the Kurds in turkey the independent Republic of Mahabad only worries is Iran ).
January 27 llan a town on Formosa is captured by the US northern Force army wile the south Force which is moving toward the city of shihtiping is bug down du Japanese resistance ( as for now both US army move along the coast leaving Japanese pockets in land for the time being ).
January 28 The German government recognize the independent Republic of Mahabad and begins to plan to send aid to them as wheal as to increase supply’s to the Kurdish rebels in turkey as the result of the uprising is forcing both the Turkish and the soviet forces to divert soldiers present at the Turkish front to east turkey in order to combat the rebels plus with the new independent Republic of Mahabad having declared their independence it increase the forces who are fighting against the soviet union and their allies ).
January 29 The royal Dutch navy creates the Dutch Pacific Squadron under command of Vice Admiral Helfrich and witch will become part of the US navy taskforce 60 where the will join the French FEF ( with the situation on Borneo under control and the war in the pacific shifted to several places and the planed US invasion of Japan still standing to begin on march 1946 the DPS is only small having one cruiser which is Vice Admiral Helfrich flagship , one destroyer , one river class frigate and one under him , admiral doorman remains the commander of the royal Dutch navy in the Dutch indies and now is begins to make plans for invasion of several smaller islands under control of the PKRF ore Japanese forces ).
January 30 With the situation in east Turkey escalating and afraid it can spill over to Iraq prime minster Churchill orders British and commonwealth troops to be sent to the border region of Iraq/Turkey and to prevent the Kurds present in Iraq from joining the uprising in Turkey.
January 31 The UN Security Council votes to allow Iran and the Soviet Union to settle their dispute by direct negotiation where the will find a solution to the problem concerning soviet troops being present in Iran ( the soviet union now tells the other members of the Security Council that its is correct in not leaving Iran as the independent Republic of Mahabad has declared their independence and is receiving aid from the central alliance and that the struggle witch it is fighting against the Germans is spreading and therefore it needs to protect its interest plus the soviet union fears that if it leaves Iran it will side with Germany as the Shah of Iran Reza Shah Pahlavi is known to harbor pro-German sympathies ).
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