June 1 After two days the marshal coup participants have taken control over the city of Moscow and managed to arrested Beria who during the brief battle was arrested by forces loyal to the coup ( the marshal coup participants have decided that Beria who is one of the feared persons in the soviet union is to get the blame as the now he is the perfect scapegoat ).
June 2 The coup participants announce to other soviet military and civilian officials that the have prevented a attempt of Beria and his henchmen from taking control over Moscow and the soviet union and Stalin was killed by forces loyal to Beria during the struggle.
In the kingdom of Croatia the Italians , Germans and Croatia army's launch their eleventh enemy offensive against the Partisans still fighting in the valleys and mountains of the kingdom ( the Germans du the soviet new offensive only can spear the XVth Cossack Cavalry Corps which is part of Armeeabteilung Kroatien ).
June 3 Two days after being captured Beria is now being held at the headquarters of the Moscow Military District and kept under guard by loyal coup soldiers away from any contact in order to prevent him from telling the truth. Six USAAF B-24 Liberators bombers part of the USAFE land in Iran as the Imperial Iranian Army continuous its preparations for the assault against the independent Republic of Mahabad ( the B-24 Liberators are the first of a total of 20 to be deployed by the US Military Iran Advisory Group ( MIAG ) and will be used for support to the Imperial Iranian Army in their upcoming ground assault as the Imperial Iranian Air Force sins the Anglo-Soviet invasion of 1941 has no air force to speak of but which is now with the help of the united states is beginning to be reestablish as a independent air force that can patrol and defend its country ).
Kom Ost Field marshal Rommel orders the German army groups to use the chaos in the soviet fronts to drive begin to drive the soviets back behind the German panther and Bismarck/Buh river line , wile he begins planning for a new attack which will show the soviets why he is called the Östlicher Fuchs by the men under his command.
June 4 After 6 days in power the coup participants put people in the Politburo which consist of anti Stalinist and coup members who first order is beginning the de-Stalinization of the soviet union which includes removing all Stalinist members in high places ( wile it looks like the coup participants are working fast to establish a new politburo is that the don't want any Stalinist members and Beria supporters to challenge them , the de-Stalinization will be done in total secrecy and over a long time ).
Field marshal Rommel decides that the defenders of Kiev need help and with the city suffering around the clock artillery bombardments from the 2nd Ukrainian Front and the 3rd Belorussian Front who surround the city he decides to use fallschirmjagers of the 1st Parachute Army to drop troops in the city and to help the defenders keeping a large soviet army busy despite sacrificing hundred of thousand troops will he planes for this operation to take place the soviet fronts who are still in disarray du the new takeover in Moscow begin to feel that the Germans still can fight as German Panzers IV/ X , Panthers and Tiger II tanks supported by German infantry and artillery begin their counter attack after almost a month of retreat ( the 1st Parachute Army is made op of 30,000 soldiers and is the new elite force in the kaiserliche Streitkräfte of the empire of Germany after the SS became the Kaiser Schutzstaffel (KS) and was absorbed into the Reichsheer , the Kaiserliche Verteidigung und Sicherheitsbüro is still puzzled du information the revive about the situation on the east front and has yet find a explanation of what is happening in the soviet union ).
June 5 The second day of the German army group Belarus counter attack against the soviet 1st , 2nd and 3rd Belorussian Fronts begin to show result as the soviet are suffering more then during operation red force forced wile on the black sea the mighty battleship NMS Elisabeta and the destroyer NMS Marasesti and two of the three Regia Marine destroyers present in the black sea shell soviet coastal position outside the Romanian hold city of Cetatea Albã where the soviet after capturing Odessa and braking thru the Bismarck/Buh river line try to capture it in their march towards Romania ( Odessa which was the starting line of the Bismarck/Buh river line fell late May which forced several naval units of the Romanian , Italian and Germans to relocate to Constanta naval base in Romania ).
With the new politburo now in control of the soviet union the bring the news what happen out thru the newspaper Pravda which reports that loyal soviet troops managed to prevent NKVD Internal Troops under control of Lavrenty Beria from taking over the soviet union and that during the battle Stalin was killed , the newspaper also announce that Beria and six of his henchmen where arrested and will be tried for crimes against the soviet union ( wile many rumors where spreading this is the first announcement the new soviet government makes to the people of the soviet union and the outside world of watt has happen more then week ago ).
June 6 Stalin despite being the reason for the coup participants to take action body is laid next to Lenin body in Lenin's Mausoleum where the people can visits his body before as he as a yet to determent date will be buried ( the new politburo wants to keep the appearance that Beria was the one that killed Stalin and therefore decided that Stalin body will lay next to Lenin body for the time being ).
June 8 With the Ambon campaign still continuing the Dutch marines/KNIL forces fighting against the Japanese /RIT forces receive heavier fire power as 12 Sherman tank belonging to the royal Dutch marines arrive on the island where the Japanese and RIT forces despite Dutch air , naval and ground superiority still continuo to fight on ( the Dutch with the Ambon campaign still going on are together with the US and the Australians already preparing to recapture large parts of new guinea which are still under control of Japanese imperial forces who have bin isolated sins the US and Australians forced them inland ).
June 9 After a year in prison former SS-Standartenführer Otto Skorzeny is released from Landsberg Prison after receiving a pardon of the Kaiser and the his promise that he will join the Reichsheer , he was put in jail du his part in the uprising of January 10 1945 with the Himmler faction but as he was only following orders and surrendered to the then shadow forces and the need for experience commanders he was given a pardon and now will be put at charge of the newly created Reichsheer Spezialkräfte who is replacing the disbanded Brandenburg regiment ( he will receive a rank of Oberstleutnant in the Reichsheer and will fall under the Kaiserliche Verteidigung und Sicherheitsbüro where he will lead the Reichsheer Spezialkräfte/ imperial army special forces ( RSK ) which will become the Reichsheer new commando force ).
June 11 Under order 18 the first British SAS team is secretly deployed in the border region of Turkey/Iraq to begin Intelligence collection wile other SAS teams are raiding Kurdish position in north Iraq ( the SAS team at the border must collect evidence that German is supplying weapons to the Kurdish forces battling the British lead Iraqforce in north Iraq , the Kurdish have begun to organize themselves and are beginning to become a united front against both Iraq and Turkey , the Kurdish have turned many city's and villages in north Iraq into battlefields where car and suicide attacks against the Iraqforce have become daily affairs and engagements between Kurdish versus the Iraqforce are conmen , the Kurdish forces now control a strip of area in the Turkey/Iraq border region where the have begun to set up a government like the independent Republic of Mahabad in northwestern Iran where the have begun shipping weapons to as it faces a possible invasion of Iran ).
June 12 Soldiers from the Italian 3rd Alpini Division Julia are the first troops who instead of dropping by parachute disembark from a Luftwaffe Arado Ar 232 transport plane who manages to land on a improvise landings strip in the Kurdish control Turkey ( the Ar 232 is a plane design for landing on difficult places and after delivering 30 soldiers the Ar 232 managed to take of and returned safely back to the island of Rhodes where a German air detachment is being use for dropping supplies and troops to the Kurdish forces fighting the Turks and soviet army's in Turkey ).
German army group south Ukraine begins a counter attack supported by the air power of the Aeronautica Regalã Românã , Luftwaffe and the Regia Aeronautica against the soviet 4th Ukrainian Front outside the Romanian city of Cetatea Albã wile on other parts of the Ukrainian front German army group south Ukraine is also attacking the soviet Ukrainian fronts in order to drive them back behind the previous held Bismarck/Buh river line ( the Germans have two army groups in the Administrative Area Ukraine which are army group north Ukraine and army group south Ukraine , both army groups where created by field marshal Rommel when he became Kommandant von Allen deutschen Kräften im Osten ).
June 17 A royal Dutch navy Kingfisher floatplane launched from the cruiser HNLMS Ruyter spots several small sailing boats heading to the island of Buru and in the engagement the cruiser HNLMS Ruyter , destroyers HMNLS Tjerk Hiddes , HMNLS Van Galen and two Royal Australian Navy destroyers manage to sink the small boats with no loses to the Dutch/Australian squadron , latter the survivors of the small boats explain that the are part of the Republik Indonesia Timur newly created who was ordered to bring man and supplies from the RIT control island of Celebes to the island of Buru in order to reinforce the Japanese /RIT garrison there as the fear that with Ambon almost under Dutch control the island of Buru is next and therefore despite allied naval ship patrolling the Dutch Indies try to get supplies to their holdings ( the Vought OS2U Kingfisher has replaced the Fokker C 11W floatplane originally aboard the HNLMS Ruyter as it became harder to operated them without spare parts , more then 6 Vought OS2U Kingfisher where received under the land lease from the US in 1943 of which two operate from the cruiser , the Dutch/Australian squadron is patrolling around the island of Ambon as where the Ambon campaign still is going on , the Republic Indonesia navy/Republic Indonesia angkatan laut ( RIAL ) mostly use small boats supplied by the reaming Japanese imperial navy present on the island of Celebes ).
June 18 USAAF XX Bomber Command increase their attacks in targets in the Japanese puppet State of Manchuria ( the USAAF is thinking about using nuclear weapons on targets in Manchuria to destroy the Japanese capacity to defend themselves on mainland china ). June 19 Beria and his henchmen are tried by a special session of the Supreme Court of the USSR ( the new politburo members already have a sentence in mind for him and his former henchmen's ).
The battle outside the Romanian held city of Cetatea Albã continuous as slowly the Romanian fourth army who is part of German army group south Ukraine pushes the elements of the soviet 4th Ukrainian Front away from the city ( the central alliance nations also have army's on the east front under German command with the Romanian third army and Romanian fourth army are part of German army group south Ukraine and the German army group north Ukraine has the Armata Italiana in Russia (ARMIR) , Slovak Army Group and the Hungarian third army as it central alliance participants ).
June 21 In Hong Kong the Japanese imperial army garrisons controlling Hong Kong and Macau still holds out despite several attempts by the combined Chinese forces surrounding the city from capturing even with American and Chinese aircraft flying daily missions against the garrisons. The first Fallschirmjägers are drop from Luftwaffe transport planes over the besiege city of Kiev and despite heavy soviet AA the first 1000 Fallschirmjägers manage to join the 100,000 German defenders who in the still besieged city are holding the soviet 2nd Ukrainian Front and the 3rd Belorussian Front away wile also tying up two large soviet fronts preventing them from aiding the soviet fronts battling the German army groups.
The new politburo orders that all 53 Internal Troops divisions and 20 Internal Troops brigades active in the soviet union are to be reduced in numbers and it functions to be taken over by special units of the soviet army ( this includes the gulag labor camps and guarding the borders of the soviet union ).
June 23 With a new regime in power in the soviet union and believing that mediating a between the soviets and the Germans will benefit the united states president Truman offers to mediate between them in the hopes of ending the eastern war and showing the US congress who still is busy with the Congressional peace deal Investigating Committee that making peace with Germany was a mistake and the US has to move on in ending the war in Europe and create peace there ( the Congressional peace deal Investigating Committee is still questioning people related to the Zurich peace deal and because of that president Truman wants to show the people of the united states that he is concerned about making peace as he knows that the empire of Germany and the central alliance are here to stay and a collapse of Germany ore the soviet union is not in the best interest in the united states who still is fighting the empire of Japan in the pacific ).
Believing now is the right thing to students from schools , universities and other young people in the Finish capitol city of Helsinki go on the street demanding that the soviet union leafs Finland and free elections are to be held , the demonstration which number 5,000 begins small and peaceful both are watch by the Finish democratic army and soviet Helsinki garrison troops who have orders not to brake the demonstration up yet.
June 25 In the Kremlin the new politburo after hearing the request from the united states to mediate between them and Germany is put under consideration as operation red force after a very good start is now going bad for the soviet forces on the east front as the German continuo their counter attacks and recapturing territory the soviet previous captured during the operation. More then 20,000 protesters have join the students in their protest for free elections and the removal of the soviet union from Finland , latter in the day a crowed gathered around the Yleisradio radio building which was heavily guarded by FDA soldiers who refused to allow the delegation to broadcast their demands what resulted was the delegation who wanted to entered where arrested by GRU agents who where present near the building causing a fight to brake out in which the GRU agents fire on the crowd killing many ( the GRU has taken over several of the former NKVD duty's as it is being disbanded du its link with Beria and where present to monitor the radio station in case its occupants decided to join the protesters , the FDA soldiers who where guarding the building where also shoot and when news reached other FDA soldiers that the soviet fired on FDA soldiers and a innocent crowd many begin to question which side the belong to).
June 26 The first bombing mission of MIAG attached B-24 Liberators based out of Iran against targets in the independent Republic of Mahabad is done when 3 B-24s drop 11,800 kg of bombs on Mahabad which is the capitol of the self proclaim independent Republic of Mahabad ( the US Military Iran Advisory Group which trains and assist the Imperial Iranian Army which now has almost more then 20,000 soldiers ready to move in the region wile the US also has send more then 30 Stuart light tanks which are donated to the Imperial Iranian Army but are operated by the US Military Iran Advisory Group which was formed after the Washington DC agreement between the soviet union and Iran in where the united states promised both nations to help Iran in resolving the independent Republic of Mahabad matter in return of the soviet pullback from Iran ).
The finish Communist Party Secretary and chairman of the government Otto Ville Kuusinen request that the soviet union assist in his view a demonstration that is becoming a threat to the finish democratic republic survivability this is manly because several FDA soldiers have chosen the side of the protesters and that several FDA military depots in the finish capitol have bin raided with their weapons distributed to other protesters. The Germans start operation Falke which involves German army group Belarus forces consist of more then 1000 tanks and will try to outflank the soviet who are poring out the German Belarus panther line gap the have created ( the central alliance nations on the east front who are part of German army group Belarus are the German-Italian Panzer Army and the Spanish Expeditionary Corps Russia ).
June 27 More Arado Ar 232 transport plane manage to land successful on landings strips in Kurdish controlTurkey despite roaming Turkish and soviet fighters ( the Luftwaffe uses these airstrips in remote areas control by the Kurdish forces in order to send more weapons and equipment to the Kurdish fighters then the previous air drops where doing plus with the soviet having lost a majority of fighters over the east front many fighters detachments have bin send to bolster the soviet air force leaving the Turkish air force mostly alone battling the central alliance in the air making it easier for the Luftwaffe to land transport planes in Turkey itself ). Under orders from the new politburo minister of defense Zhukov authorizes the soviet Helsinki garrison to assist the FDA in bringing order to the city of Helsinki wile also ordering troops present in other parts of Finland to prevent any demonstration from spilling out and to take any action needed and also authorizing more troops to be send to assist the soviet Helsinki garrison and FDA ( the politburo fears that if the situation in Helsinki is not resolved quickly the it could spread and the Germans ore even the united states will get involved , Marshall Zhukov did not participant in the marshal coup but was asked as somebody who is hugely popular with the military to take op the positions of commander of the soviet forces and Ministry of Defense for the time being as the now that he only has the best interest in mind of the soviet union and is not a threat to the new politburo ).
Second day of operation Falke as the soviet 1st and 2nd Belorussian Fronts believing that the Germans would attack them head on are surprise to notice the German have outflank them and are attacking them from the sides wile other German forces begin to close the 200 miles long deep gap in the Belarus panther line in the aim to enclose the soviet fronts and to them destroy them. June 28 Soldiers of the soviet Helsinki garrison begin to be station outside the finish Parliament building and are deployed at key bridges and crossroads and have begun reliving FDA soldiers guarding military depots that have not yet bin raided by the protestors in the finish capitol.
June 29 With news about demonstrations in Helsinki arriving at the desk of Admiral Canaris he orders Oberstleutnant Otto Skorzeny who already was making planes to deployed the RSK to Turkey to instead prepare the RSK and a group of free finish soldiers under his command to be drop in Helsinki where the are to take command , aiding , training and organizingtghe Finish resistance to the soviets in Helsinki ,the only thing he dos not like is that he has no more then four days before he will be drop in the city ( the now Oberstleutnant Otto Skorzeny was already busy getting to now the RSK soldiers when he was ordered to appear before Admiral Canaris where he heard about his new mission ).
After two days of fighting the soviet marshal in command of the Belarus sector which has the 1st , 2nd and 3rd Belorussian Fronts under his control decides he can not risk being encircled as the massive flanking attack by German army group Belarus , the closing of the Belarus panther line gap by other German forces and the lack of air support are costing him dearly but he knows that with his forces now retreating the soviet who probably can hold out longer du having more manpower available will lose any advantage the have , but he also knows that with the new regime change in Moscow any retreat if absolutely needed to be don will not be punish as hard as if he wanted to retreat under the Stalin regime , after thinking it thru he orders his adjutant to send a message to the General Headquarters of the soviet armed forces in which he request orders to continuo ore has permission to prevent the Germans from closing the Belarus panther line gap his forces have created ( the German army groups north and south Ukraine are fighting their way back to the Bismarck/Buh river line wile the Turkish front remain stable after the failed attempt of the soviet 1st Turkish front and Turkish army to cross the Bosporus strait and capture the Bulgarian occupied city of Istanbul was halted by German army group east lead by Field Marshall Kesselring who with the situation on the Turkish front stable again is ordered to redeploy several German and Romanian army divisions to aid the German army group south Ukraine , the German army group east consist of the Bulgarian 2nd Occupation Corps , Bulgarian 2nd and 4th army Corpo di Spedizione Italiano in Turkey( CSIT ) which also has the Corsica Legion étrangère Corse under its command , two divisions of the royal Romanian army and the German Tenth Army made mostly op of infantry divisions ).
June 30 A large group of protesters gatherers in front of the finish Parliament Building where a large force of the soviet Helsinki garrison is present when soviet units begin shooting into the crowd from the rooftops of neighboring buildings , but the crowd supplied by arms taken from the FDA or given by finish soldiers who have joined the uprising begin to shoot back escalating a already dangerous situation. Marshall Zhukov commander of the soviet forces and Ministry of Defense reads the message send by the commander of the Belarus sector and begins to think that with the Stalin regime in power the operation red force was going wheal and now whit a new regime in power the table again have turned in favor to the Germans , latter a day later he sends his message to the commander of the Belarus sector a message that will decide operation red force successes and also the war itself.