July 1 A day after he sent the message requesting what he should do a reply from Ministry of Defense Marshall Zhukov to the commander of the soviet Belarus sector arrives which says that he is to continuo the current offensive and not to retreat as the new politburo expects a victory. With the Finish Parliament Building shooting over it proofs enough to turn the demonstration of protester demanding the soviets leave their country in to a war which results in the evacuation of Finish democratic president Otto Ville Kuusinen and other member of the Finish democratic government are spirited away by soviet and loyal FDA soldiers to the city of Tampere which is under control of the soviet forces ( the protesters , former FDA soldiers and the Finish resistance begin a aggressive offensive against Soviet troops and loyal FDA troops still in Helsinki as the Finish Parliament Building shooting was the last straw for them ).
July 2 With operation Falke now in its seventh day the 1st , 2nd and 3rd Belorussian Fronts which where ordered to continuo in their part of operation red force are slowly being surrounded by Reichsheer Army group Belarus and Germans forces at the Belarus panther line which is slowly becoming the latest defeat the soviet have to suffer sins their operation red force has bin halted by the Germans ( the soviet new politburo believes that turning of the battle on the east front towards the Germans began when the removed Stalin from power by blaming Beria from creating a fake coup which has resulted in a ripple going thru the soviet military ranks on the east front which gave the retreating Germans the change to turn the tables on them ).
July 3 The new soviet politburo received world that the German forces have almost encircle the 1st , 2nd and 3rd Belorussian Fronts decide to accept president Truman June 23 offer to mediate in order to prevent the Germans who the now have benefited from the Marshall coup from moving to soviet territory as much of the soviet fronts are fighting the central alliance on the east front.
Oberstleutnant Skorzeny arrives in a finish résistance controlled harbor of Helsinki where is joined by members of the Helsinki Military and resistance Committee as it is now called who are fighting the soviet Helsinki garrison ( the uprising is only happening in Helsinki with the countryside largely quiet du the large soviet presence in the Finish democratic republic, the Helsinki Military and resistance organization ( HMRO ) is made op of former protesters , the Finish underground , former Finish democratic soldiers and now the Germans RSK and free Finish army soldiers who have joined it in Helsinki ).
July 3 A day after his arrival in a city divided and in chaos Oberstleutnant Otto Skorzeny meets with the leaders of the HMRO where he tells them that he is sent to assist them in the battle against the remaining soviet and loyal FDA forces still in Helsinki.
The second attack on targets against targets in the independent Republic of Mahabad by US Military Iran Advisory Group attached B-24 Liberators happens as the 20,000 strong Imperial Iranian Army begins its final preparations for their offensive against the independent Republic of Mahabad ( facing the 20,000 strong Imperial Iranian Army are some 5,000 Mahabad militia soldiers and some 1,200 Kurdish fighters from Turkey and Iraq ).
July 4 The United States Department of State receive word that the new politburo has accepted the offer of president Truman to mediated between them and Germany in hopes to end the eastern war ( president Trumann hopes to promote him self as a peace maker but he knows that with the Congressional Peace Deal Investigation Committee still busy and a lot of people razing their voices about why the previous administration signed the Zürich peace deal he hopes by meditating between the Germans and soviet union who both have become pro peace country’s after their coups and he hopes with the Europe chapter closes he can focus on the war against Japan end , the new politburo has two motives for accepting the united states mediation with the first being that the soviet union wants to use the time to prepare a new offensive when needed and the second the new politburo with Stalin removed wants to check out what Germany has to offer , the Congressional Peace Deal Investigation Committee is almost done with their testimony behind closed doors and are now beginning to prepare their report that will decide President Truman fait and the direction future direction the united states will take against Germany and the central alliance ).
July 5 Operation falke is named a success by field marshal Rommel as the trapped soviet Belorussian Fronts are hammered by Army group Belarus and the Kaiserliche Luftwaffe and wile this is happening in Belarus the battle of Ukraine continuous as the soviet 2nd Ukrainian and 3rd Belorussian Front are ordered to disengaged in their siege of Kiev in order to assist in braking true the closed Belarus panther line leaving a ruined city still under the control of a 80,000+ strong German army garrison and 1500+ Fallschirmjägers ( the soviet commanders have released that with the fighting of Kiev the Germans managed to tie up large amount of forces who could be use for other two fronts decided to move the soviet 2nd Ukrainian Front and 3rd Belorussian Front who where surrounding the city , the siege of Kiev cost more then 20,000 Germans soldier lives and double that of soviet two fronts surrounding the city in the two months it was under siege , the battle of Ukraine is also progressing good for the Germans as both army group south Ukraine and army group north Ukraine are still pushing the soviet back to the Bismarck/Buh river line ).
July 6 President Truman sends a reply to the soviet General Secretary that he will informed Germany to join in conference which he is setting up in the Canadian city of Ottawa , latter in the day president Truman orders the United States Ambassador to Germany to speak to the German Minister of Foreign where he is to inform him that the soviet union has accepted a offer of the united states to end the eastern war and to invited the German empire in joining the soviet union and the united states in this conference which will be held in the Ottawa.
Two days ago after he arrived Oberstleutnant Skorzeny continuous to work with the Helsinki Military and resistance organization to form it into a fighting force wile also sending a urgent message for supply drops to Berlin.
July 7 In the office of the German minister of foreign affairs in Berlin a surprised member of the Provisional Government of the German empire meeting with the United States ambassador to Germany comes to a end in which he heard that the soviet union has accepted a offer by president Truman to discuses ending the eastern war , the minister after this meeting went to the Reich Chancellery where Chancellor Ludwig Beck has his office with the news in order to discussing what the next steps the Provisional Government of the German empire will take. The Ambon campaign is over with the Dutch marines/KNIL forces now in complete control of the island after the last remaining pocket of Japanese /RIT forces are destroyed ore captured with this the royal Dutch Indies army command begins to focus on the upcoming new guinea campaign which it will take part in together with the Americans and Australians where the will capture the last new guinea territory the Japanese and RIT forces still hold.
July 8 A day after the meeting with the German Minister of Foreign Affairs the United States Ambassador to Germany is telephoned by the German minister of foreign affairs himself to tell that the German empire is accepting the offer of mediation and that its wiling to commence a cease fire for its duration , latter the ambassador phones secretary of State James F. Byrnes who transfers the message to president Truman. The Finish city of Tampere becomes the temporarily seat of government of the Finish democratic republic as the Finish democratic president Otto Ville Kuusinen who was evacuated by soviet forces after the Finish Parliament Building shooting takes office in the former City Hall which is also the headquarters of the Group of Soviet Forces in Finland ( the city of Tampere is the main location of the Group of Soviet Forces in Finland and also the place where its headquarters is located and therefore its ride place for the new seat of government of the Finish democratic republic while the city of Helsinki remains the de facto capital of the Finish democratic republic ).
July 9 A P-51D mustang belonging to the ML-KNIL fly’s over the city of Makassar on the RIT control island of Celebes where it photographs dozen of ships laying in the harbor confirming the knowledge that the RIT has it on navy ( the ML-KNIL has more then 80 P-51 Mustang in several version who where delivered in 1943 to 1945 to help protect then free Dutch Indies consisting of Java and Sumatra ).
July 10 The United States puts the date of the Soviet-German-United States conference in Ottawa at July 16 wile telling the soviets and Germans that the cease fire the Germans have offered can be placed 24 hours before the conference is held on July 15 in order to give both forces time to prepare themselves ( the Soviet-German-United States conference is held in the Canadian city of Ottawa as president Truman after speaking with the Canadian prime minister who offered to host the three country conference but who is not involved in it except from hosting it ).
July 11 A month after it started the eleventh anti partisan operating ends with the central alliance again falling in capturing the leader of the partisans Tito but managing to hurt his forces who after one year without supplies from the outside world begin to dwindle in number and strength.
July 12 Secretary of State of War von Stauffenberg meets with Kom Ost Field marshal Rommel in his headquarters where the discuses the proposed July 15 case fire date which is only three days away and agree to keep the encirclement of the soviet Belorussian Fronts going in order to use its as leverage in Ottawa and to reinforce the Kiev troops wile continuing the pushback of the soviet fronts towards the Bismarck/Buh river line until the cease fire goes in affect.
In Helsinki the first militias are formed by Oberstleutnant Skorzeny as the Kaiserliche Luftwaffe continuous their supply drops wile the battle against the soviet Helsinki garrison and soviet loyal FDA forces goes on ( the militias are divided in battalions each 400 man strong and lead by RSK and free finish army soldiers and which form the fighting force of the Helsinki Military and resistance organization wile the Kaiserliche Luftwaffe now fly’s despite heavy battles going on the east front supply and support missions around the clock as the Oberkommando der kaiserliche Streitkräfte believes that supporting the Helsinki uprising will force the soviet union to deploy army divisions currently fighting on the east front towards Finland and to show the Finish government in exile that Germany dose care about them ).
July 14 The new politburo after debating fore more then two days accepts the German cease fire and the date which the Americans have suggested of July 15 in which the soviets and Germans will halt their fighting for the time being and immediately issue orders to their commanders at the front line ( the two days it took for the new politburo to agree was only made possible when the assurance was given that the soviet army could restart their offensive when needed and to use the cease fire to prepare themselves in case the eastern war would resume as the current red force offensive became a failure when the marshal coup happened and the Germans began their counterattack an trapping the three soviet Belorussian Fronts happen ).
The Imperial Iranian Army supported by MIAG planes enters the independent Republic of Mahabad and in less then a day the managed to surround the capitol of Mahabad where the begin to pounded the city with artillery and B-24 bombers wile inside the city the Mahabad war council tells the people that the will fight the Imperial Iranian Army if they tried to enter the city and calls the central alliance to support them in their struggle.
A bomber force of some 40 ML-KNIL B-25 bombers attack the port city of Makassar on the RIT control island of Celebes in order to destroy the RIT forces pinisi and sailing ships who are use to supply RIT and Japanese imperial troops on islands the control in the Dutch Indies , the attacks which is devastating kills ore wounds large numbers of people and sinking many ships in the harbor , later the day another wave from the ML-KNIL attacks the harbor again destroying any remaining ships present and serious hampering the Republic Indonesia navy capacity to supply its forces on RIT control islands.
July 15 For the first time in 5 years the guns fall silent on the east front as the German lead central alliance and the soviet union cease fire come is effect ( wile both side now halt at their positions the where and the are still in war and have begun to prepare themselves in case the eastern war resumes ).
The fist probes by Imperial Iranian Army soldiers supported by MIAG operated Stuart light tanks is repulse by the Mahabad militia and Kurdish fighters who are in the city.
July 16 A day after both sides have stooped shooting at each other and a cease fire has set in on the east front the General Secretary of the soviet union , the Chancellor of the German empire and president Truman of the united states begin to arrive in Ottawa for a conference which is considered by many to be more difficult then the previous Zurich and Madrid peace deals combined ( the Soviet-German-United States conference is not a peace negations conference but only a place where both the Germans and soviets can speak with each other ).
Oberstleutnant Skorzeny receive a message from the Kaiserliche Verteidigung und Sicherheitsbüro headquarters in Berlin that no more Kaiserliche Luftwaffe supply and support missions will be done as the cease fire is preventing the Kaiserliche Luftwaffe from flying over Finland , he is also told that he is not allowed to take active part in any battle anymore against the soviets as a soldier of the Reichsheer and for the time being he is assigned to the free Finish army for the duration of his presence in Finland ( Oberstleutnant Skorzeny is assisting the militias of the Helsinki Military and resistance organization and therefore to prevent the cease fire from being broken by the germans he is assigned to the Free finish army present in Helsinki ).
On the third day of the battle for Mahabad the defenders of Mahabad ménage to repulse the strong Imperial Iranian Army again and again forcing the MIAG to increase the bombing of the city.
July 17 Only a day in the Soviet-German-United States conference the soviet delegation demands that the Germans allow the trapped soviet Belorussian Fronts to return to soviet territory wile the Germans demand the soviets fronts to return behind the Bismarck/Buh river and Belarus panther lines.
The Imperial Iranian Army manages in the fourth day to win the battle of Mahabad and thereby ending the short lifted independent Republic of Mahabad ( the Imperial Iranian Army ménages to arrest the IRM president and prime minister who are flown by a MIAG Douglas DC-3 aircraft to Tehran where he will face trail on accounts for treason , with the battle of Mahabad over and the territory of the former independent Republic of Mahabad under control of Iran the MIAG can focus on assisting modernizing the Imperial Iranian armed forces and to protect the new US inters in the country ).
July 18 Outside Tokyo a bunker a high ranking German military liaison officer of the German Military Liaison Mission to the Japanese empire enters for his weekly meeting with the prime minister Yamamoto who now uses this bunker as the seat of the imperial government when moved it away from the capitol in fear of it being hit by a American A-bomb , in the meeting the German military officer tells prime minister Yamamoto about the cease fire on the east front and that the Chancellor will try to put the matter of the war on the table when he can , prime minister Yamamoto tells that the united states will not listen to Germany regarding to end the war and that his only hoop is that the united states gets tired and accepts the partial surrender the Japanese offer ( the German Military Liaison Mission has replaced the German embassy in Japan as it is considered to dangerous for them to operate there and so the act as the official contact between the two governments and gather information regarding military matters , prime minister Yamamoto knows that the united states has increase their attacks on the Japanese puppet State of Manchuria in order to cut the vital supply link with the Japanese home islands and because of this he is beginning to wonder if he is to except the unconditional surrender the united states demands as the Japanese people are starving , the military industry a shadow of what it was before the war and the USAAF bombing raid on the Japanese home islands despite the new Japanese aircraft is still increasing , but prime minister Yamamoto also fears that elements in the Japanese imperial army will not except the unconditional surrender as the claim that the Japanese home islands , Manchuria , Korea and the Kuril Islands have not bin invaded and are still under their control and the combined Chinese forces are still occupied in laying siege to the Japanese garrisons in many city’s along the coast of china ).
July 19 Exactly a month after he received his sentence Lavrentiy Beria and his henchmen are shoot by a GRU firing squad ending a month long insecurity for the new politburo who now can focus on ending the eastern war and showing the soviet people that the have exacted Stalin killer ( Beria who received a sentence by a special session of the Supreme Court of the USSR in June 19 was put for the fire squad in order to closes the month long power struggle and to give the new politburo full control over the soviet union who now can focus on the Soviet-German-United States conference ).
July 20 On the fourth day of the Soviet-German-United States conference shows the different in the German and soviet sides as neither of them are wiling to make promises first , wile president Truman effort to get both sides to make promises is hampered by the media at home who demand that he dos not give the Germans anything incase peace is made (wile the media in the untied states where shock that president Truman was mediating between the Germans and soviets the now demand that it only remains with that and that he dos not give the Germans who the still have a bad view of any thing in return for making peace as the are still not happy whit the previous thing that happen ).
With the soviet forces pushed out of Helsinki the new politburo orders that the Group of Soviet Forces in Finland commander to make preparations for soviet forces to take Helsinki with his forces when ordered and that for the time being his forces must surround the city and prevent people form entering ore leaving ( the new politburo du the Soviet-German-United States conference wants to wait until the believe that the can move in Helsinki and restore the Finish democratic government and to crush the Helsinki uprising with out restarting the eastern war ).
July 21 Kom Ost field marshal Rommel inspect the Deutsch-Italienischen Panzer-Armee outside the soviet Belorussian Fronts pocket who among other army group Belarus armies is standing by in case the need to engage the three trapped soviet fronts when ordered after his inspection he flew to the city of Kiev to she first hand the city who managed against all odds to remain under the control of the German Kiev garrison and the Fallschirmjägers for two months will suffering great losses in soldiers and material ( field marshal Rommel after his inspection of Kiev handed on behave of Kaiser Wilhelm III military awards to some of the Kiev defenders for their bravery in defending the city ).
July 22 With a Kurdish uprising in north Iraq south Turkey and seeing the British occupied in Iraq members of the Jewish Resistance Movement plant several bombs in the British civil and military administration in the King David Hotel killing 90 people ( the Jewish Resistance Movement is a umbrella group for militant Jewish underground movements which believe that British Mandate for Palestine is weak as the British are heavily focus on fighting the Kurdish uprising in north Iraq ).
July 23 In the seventh day of the Soviet-German-United States conference the Germans and soviets agree that wounded soldiers of the soviet three Belorussian Fronts trapped in the pocket are allowed to return to soviet territory thru a corridor the Germans wile open. Prime minister Churchill condemns the King David Hotel bombing and tells that the British will not allow any organization creating chaos in the British Mandate for Palestine and that the British are cable to handle any situation both in Iraq and the British Mandate for Palestine ( the uprising in north Iraq still continuous with the Kurds still fighting both in north Iraq and south Turkey despite the don’t receive air supports from German and Italy du the cease fire ).
July 24 Three days sins the soviets where forced out of Helsinki the Helsinki Military and resistance organization militias continuo preparing themselves for a possible counter attack by the soviets wile the people of Helsinki still celebrate their victory against the soviets not knowing that the soviet are amassing their forces outside the city ready to move in when ordered ( wile the people are celebrating their victory the Helsinki Military and resistance organization is beginning to prepare it self for the upcoming battle the now will come du intelligence reports the have received from outside of the city where two soviet divisions surrounding Helsinki are position ).
July 25 In a private conversation between Chancellor Ludwig Beck and president Truman the events that happen in Germany in the past year come up with president Truman telling that the American people do not think the Germans have done enough to punish those responsible for the atrocities against Jews and the still think bad of the empire wile also putting out towards the Chancellor that his administration is in problem du the weak Zurich peace deal the previous US administration signed in response Chancellor Ludwig Beck tells the president that the Provisional Government of the German empire has nothing to du with the former German Nazi policies and are punished those the believe where held accountable for it and that the Provisional Government of the German empire is wiling to discuses the Zurich peace deal and to change it to reflect a more positive side for the united states (wile president Truman wants to make changes to the Zurich peace deal he has problems back at home where the congress , media and many people demand that he dos not make deals with the German empire ).
July 26 The first A-bomb on the Japanese puppet State of Manchuria port city of Dàlián is dropped by a B-29S bomber belonging to the XXI Bomber Command destroying the city and killing more then 120,000 people ( the USAAF has decided to bomb the Manchuria port city to show the Japanese empire that the are not safe anywhere and to destroy a vital port the Japanese are using to as port to supply the Japanese home islands ).
July 28 The first major success in the Soviet-German-United States conference is made when the Germans delegation gives permission for the three soviet Belorussian Fronts to return to soviet territory unarmed and with out any vehicles , the soviet accept this deal knowing wheal enough that the have the material to replace them but not the soldiers which are trapped. The free Finish navy submarine FNS Vetehinen enters the port of Helsinki undetected in the middle of the night carry additional free Finish army soldiers and supplies for the Helsinki Military and resistance organization who is now in control over the city, after unloading its cargo the FNS Vetehinen returns to its home port of Gotenhafen ( as the cease fire is still in effect the Germans are unable to send supplies to Oberstleutnant Skorzeny , his Reichsheer Spezialkräfte under his command and the Helsinki Military and resistance organization militias in fear of braking the cease fire and therefore the use the free Finish navy as it is a independent controlled navy under control of a friendly government who is not a member of the central alliance and who is considered the legitimate government of Finland. ).
July 29 The ninth A-bomb is dropped by a B-29S belonging to the USAAF bomber belonging to the XXI Bomber Command on the Japanese city of Gifu killing more then 40,000 people who where still in the city ( the USAAF has decided to begin bombing major and vital city’s in Japan with A-bombs again and the first target was Gifu as it serves as the base for the manufacture of fire balloons ( as for now Tokyo is still a no A-bomb target but there a voices in the United States military and government who want to use a A-bomb on the Japanese capitol as the believe that it destruction will bring Japan on it knees , the fire balloons du periodically land on US territory but the have not killed anybody sins May 5 1945 when 6 people where killed by a Japanese fire balloon in Lakeview , Oregon ).
July 30 In Ottawa the Soviet-German-United States conference ends with the three sides agreeing to hold a second conference before peace talks are to be held , the cease fire current in effect will remain and will be expanded to the Turkish front , to allow all nation involve in the eastern war to be present at the second conference ( the second conference date is not bin set but is expected to be held in August in a yet undisclosed country , the other central alliance nations who where not present at the Soviet-German-United States conference also have the cease fire as most where operating under German army groups and are expected to be at the second conference which will be the general rehearsal before the actual peace talks will take place and which many believe wile be a long one).
With the eastern front having a cease fire the soviet two divisions surrounding Helsinki begin to receive one additional infantry division bringing them to a total strength of 3 wile the total number of the divisions who are part of the Soviet Forces in Finland are brought up to 24 divisions who now have some 338,000 soldiers deployed in the Finish democratic republic ( some of the new infantry divisions come form the Belarus panther line wile the most are from other parts of the soviet union as the new politburo believes that Germany will not brake the cease fire in order to aid those in Helsinki ).
July 31 In a terrorist attack in Paris the United Kingdom embassy is destroyed by a bomb placed by the Jewish Resistance Movement killing two gendarmes and seven British embassy personal wile wounding dozen of people , later the British government and the French Government in a join statement condemned the bombing ( the Jewish Resistance Movement planed the embassy bombing and the King David Hotel bombing as part to force the British out of the British Mandate and to gain their on independent Jewish state , the two gendarmes who where killed where guarding on request of the British government the embassy after the King David Hotel bombing happen as the United Kingdom embassy is the largest in free Europe ).