January 10th
Anthony Eden resigns and Harold Macmillan becomes prime minister of Great Britain.
January 20th
Dwight D. Eisenhower is inaugurated for a second term as president of the United States.
January 26th
KNRS Panter , is commissioned , becoming the second Wolf class scout
vessel to enter in service whit the royal Netherlands space force.
January 29th
The United Sates congress , passes the United Republic of China
resolution , and whit it established a American commitment to protect
the sovereignty of the United Republic of China , which is made clear by
president Dwight D. Eisenhower radio address the same day , in which he
promised to protect "territories under the jurisdiction of the United
Republic of China against invasion and aggression by foreign country’s
March 8th
Whit construction of the third Wolf class scout vessel at New
Fijenoord-Rotterdamsche space yard underway , the royal Netherlands
space force begins construction of the fourth Wolf class scout vessel at
New Fijenoord-Rotterdamsche space yard.
March 17th
Netherlands government lifts ban on Sunday driving.
May 15th
1st British Hydrogen bomb explosion happens at Malden Island , Pacific.
May 23rd
The royal democratic party becomes for the sixth time, the largest party
in the Netherlands house of representatives , and prime minister Willem
Drees can begin his third term as prime minister of the Netherlands.
June 10th
Fifth Type A class shuttle designated KNRS A5 begins its test flight out of Netherlands space centre Guyana.
April 20th
KNRS Panter begins its shakedown cruise.
July 15th
A Fokker 27-100 belonging to KLM East Indies crashes near Java , Netherlands East Indies , killing 44 passengers and crew.
Augustus 15th
A imperial Japanese army air service G10N1 Fugaku heavy bomber , drops
the first Japanese air dropped atomic bomb overt the Gobi desert ,
during the second atomic test conducted by the Japanese empire.
September 14th
Royal Netherlands space force command orders yellow alert for all space
ships and bases , and prepares itself for the arrival of a Vulcan survey
ship called D'Vro (1) which according to historical files known to the
royal Netherlands space force is du to enter earth's solar system in two
September 15th
KNRS Amsterdam , KNRS Panter and KNRS Wolf arrive at Pluto , where the
are to intercept the Vulcan survey ship D'Vro which is already being
picked up by KNRS Amsterdam long range sensors , and du to arrive the
next day.
September 16th
First contact made whit Vulcan survey ship D'Vro , who immediately after
arriving in earth solar systems is hailed by captain Jonan Andre ,
commander of KNRS Amsterdam.
September 17th
Whit Vulcan survey ship D'Vro , still orbiting Pluto , the captain of
the D'Vro has met captain Jonan Andre in person , who informs him , that
the D'Vro will be escorted to Mars where the captain will meet whit
rear admiral De Jong , commander of the royal Netherlands space force.
September 18th
A day after the arrival of the Vulcan survey ship , at Mars , the
captain of the D'Vro and his second in command T'Mir (2) have met whit
rear admiral De Jong at Mars base Hellas , where the captain , who is in
contact whit the Vulcan High Command , informs rear admiral De Jong
that the Vulcan High Command , is sending another Vulcan survey ship
whit a ambassador onboard , which will arrive in three weeks time.
September 28th
Queen Juliana opens Velser Tunnels ,Netherlands.
October 4th
Failed launch of Sputnik I (3) , du it being rammed by a special
Netherlands build killer satellite , destroying it , before it is able
to send its signal.
October 27th
Whit Vulcan survey ship D'Vro entering its third week in orbit of Mars ,
its four member crew have bin allowed to visiting Mars base Hellas ,
Mars base Utopia Planitia and KNRS Amsterdam , when news arrives that a
second Vulcan survey ship is heading towards Mars.
October 28th
Whit a another Vulcan survey ship which is identified as the D'Vahl ,
orbiting Mars , Vulcan ambassador Senek who was onboard the D'Vahl ,
meets whit prime minister Drees at Mars base Hellas, who explains to the
ambassador , that no Vulcan ship is allowed to enter earth's solar
system whit out permission of the royal Netherlands space force as prime
minister Drees explains , that the policy of the Netherlands government
is to prevent any alien race making contact whit earth as according to
prime minister Drees , the don’t now what might happen if the Vulcan’s
ore a other races makes first contact.
November 3rd
The Soviet Union successfully launches Sputnik II (4) , and whit it ,
the first official earth orbiting artificial satellite achieves orbit.
November 4th
After six days of negations , diplomatic relation between Vulcan and the Netherlands are formed (5).
November 6th
At the residency of prime minister Drees in The Hague, Netherlands ,
members of the oversight commission and cabinet are discussing the
diplomatic relation between Vulcan and the Netherlands that where
establish the two days earlier , and come to the conclusion , that the
Netherlands has to be careful to expand in outer space , as there are
many other races out there who are not as friendly as the Vulcan’s , and
so they come to a conclusion that a new planet has to be found which
will replace Mars as the new base of operations for the royal
Netherlands space force and use it to expand whit out being fearful of
being discovered by other nations on earth and to build a credible space
fleet to protect both its interests and to protect earth.
November 7th
The Vulcan survey ship D'Vro heads back to Vulcan , leaving the Vulcan
survey ship D'Vah , the only Vulcan ship present in the earth solar
system , as it is used as ambassador Senek personal transport.
November 30th
Governor general of the Netherlands East Indies , Jan van Baal ,
survives a grenade attack at Cikini School in Batavia , thrown by a
member of the communist party of Indonesia , six children are killed.
December 4th
Governor general of the Netherlands East Indies , Jan van Baal, bans the
communist party of Indonesia after the attempted attack on his life and
the deaths of six children 5 days earlier.
December 6th
1st United States attempt to launch a satellite fails , as the Vanguard rocket blows up.
December 15th
Population of Netherlands nationals living in the Netherlands East Indies reaches 500,000.
(1) the visit of the Vulcan survey ship is recorded in the historical
files known to the royal Netherlands space force , and therefore the are
able to prepare themselves for the arrival , and establish first
contact whit the Vulcan’s peacefully , as the know what kind of race
there are going to deal whit.
(2) the D'Vro crew is unaware that the royal Netherlands space force
already knows everything about the them du the historical files
available to them.
(3) Sputnik I was destroyed by a Netherlands build killer satellite , as
the royal Netherlands space force wants to delay and hamper the Soviet
Union and United States space program as best they can whit out it being
seen as a deliberate and whit out causing to much attention.
(4) Sputnik II is the back up unit of Sputnik I and was launched
successfully by the Soviet Union , the royal Netherlands space force
decided not to destroy it , for one , as it already managed to delay the
launch of the first official 1st artificial Earth satellite by one
month , and second , another failed launch would cause to much
(5) during the negotiations the Vulcan’s agreed to the wishes of the
Netherlands and not enter the earth's solar system whit out the
permission of the Netherlands and to minimize and limit their presences
as much as possible , in return the are allowed to visit earth under
escort by the Netherlands.