Tuesday, March 20, 2007

overview 1940

the Dutch Indie reciveies it is last spitfire squadron after first ordering them at the beginning of the outbreak of war and completes it radar defence on the island of java and Sumatra making it now possible for a early warning of incoming planes, the Dutch indie army is receiving tanks and vehicles now not needed by the British as the are to old ore not needed several other rearm programs are still being made who with the help of the British will be completed and the end of 1941.
free French after denying the japans the use of French Indochina begin sending a force of 30.000 soldiers and the ships the Strasbourg and Provence who will provide a small naval percent of the Indochina coast ( in otl the ships where sunk but do the fact the French fleet joined the remained on the allied side and the British having full control over the Mediterranean after the battle of Taranto can spare them several other ship will be send when ready to give the free French a presence and to increase the BFD in Asia .
Britain has begun to increase its radar coverage of it island and also du the fact that no major battle of Britain was fought do to the Luftwaffe being weaker and now focus to rebuild can send more fighters to both Norway and the newly created theatre of war in Greece while also strengting its forces in Asia and being able to donate some fighter squadrons to both the free French and the Dutch indie.
Italy after losing it colony’s in Africa turn its head towards Yugoslavia and creece believing that invading it will be the beginning of a new roman empire. Vichy France is after loosing it hold on the former French colony’s of Syria and Lebanon is shifting more in the side of Germany then in otl even providing garrison troops to aid in German held franc.

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