Monday, December 24, 2007

Part 30 1946

July 1 A day after he sent the message requesting what he should do a reply from Ministry of Defense Marshall Zhukov to the commander of the soviet Belarus sector arrives which says that he is to continuo the current offensive and not to retreat as the new politburo expects a victory. With the Finish Parliament Building shooting over it proofs enough to turn the demonstration of protester demanding the soviets leave their country in to a war which results in the evacuation of Finish democratic president Otto Ville Kuusinen and other member of the Finish democratic government are spirited away by soviet and loyal FDA soldiers to the city of Tampere which is under control of the soviet forces ( the protesters , former FDA soldiers and the Finish resistance begin a aggressive offensive against Soviet troops and loyal FDA troops still in Helsinki as the Finish Parliament Building shooting was the last straw for them ).

July 2 With operation Falke now in its seventh day the 1st , 2nd and 3rd Belorussian Fronts which where ordered to continuo in their part of operation red force are slowly being surrounded by Reichsheer Army group Belarus and Germans forces at the Belarus panther line which is slowly becoming the latest defeat the soviet have to suffer sins their operation red force has bin halted by the Germans ( the soviet new politburo believes that turning of the battle on the east front towards the Germans began when the removed Stalin from power by blaming Beria from creating a fake coup which has resulted in a ripple going thru the soviet military ranks on the east front which gave the retreating Germans the change to turn the tables on them ).

July 3 The new soviet politburo received world that the German forces have almost encircle the 1st , 2nd and 3rd Belorussian Fronts decide to accept president Truman June 23 offer to mediate in order to prevent the Germans who the now have benefited from the Marshall coup from moving to soviet territory as much of the soviet fronts are fighting the central alliance on the east front.
Oberstleutnant Skorzeny arrives in a finish résistance controlled harbor of Helsinki where is joined by members of the Helsinki Military and resistance Committee as it is now called who are fighting the soviet Helsinki garrison ( the uprising is only happening in Helsinki with the countryside largely quiet du the large soviet presence in the Finish democratic republic, the Helsinki Military and resistance organization ( HMRO ) is made op of former protesters , the Finish underground , former Finish democratic soldiers and now the Germans RSK and free Finish army soldiers who have joined it in Helsinki ).

July 3 A day after his arrival in a city divided and in chaos Oberstleutnant Otto Skorzeny meets with the leaders of the HMRO where he tells them that he is sent to assist them in the battle against the remaining soviet and loyal FDA forces still in Helsinki.
The second attack on targets against targets in the independent Republic of Mahabad by US Military Iran Advisory Group attached B-24 Liberators happens as the 20,000 strong Imperial Iranian Army begins its final preparations for their offensive against the independent Republic of Mahabad ( facing the 20,000 strong Imperial Iranian Army are some 5,000 Mahabad militia soldiers and some 1,200 Kurdish fighters from Turkey and Iraq ).

July 4 The United States Department of State receive word that the new politburo has accepted the offer of president Truman to mediated between them and Germany in hopes to end the eastern war ( president Trumann hopes to promote him self as a peace maker but he knows that with the Congressional Peace Deal Investigation Committee still busy and a lot of people razing their voices about why the previous administration signed the Zürich peace deal he hopes by meditating between the Germans and soviet union who both have become pro peace country’s after their coups and he hopes with the Europe chapter closes he can focus on the war against Japan end , the new politburo has two motives for accepting the united states mediation with the first being that the soviet union wants to use the time to prepare a new offensive when needed and the second the new politburo with Stalin removed wants to check out what Germany has to offer , the Congressional Peace Deal Investigation Committee is almost done with their testimony behind closed doors and are now beginning to prepare their report that will decide President Truman fait and the direction future direction the united states will take against Germany and the central alliance ).

July 5 Operation falke is named a success by field marshal Rommel as the trapped soviet Belorussian Fronts are hammered by Army group Belarus and the Kaiserliche Luftwaffe and wile this is happening in Belarus the battle of Ukraine continuous as the soviet 2nd Ukrainian and 3rd Belorussian Front are ordered to disengaged in their siege of Kiev in order to assist in braking true the closed Belarus panther line leaving a ruined city still under the control of a 80,000+ strong German army garrison and 1500+ Fallschirmjägers ( the soviet commanders have released that with the fighting of Kiev the Germans managed to tie up large amount of forces who could be use for other two fronts decided to move the soviet 2nd Ukrainian Front and 3rd Belorussian Front who where surrounding the city , the siege of Kiev cost more then 20,000 Germans soldier lives and double that of soviet two fronts surrounding the city in the two months it was under siege , the battle of Ukraine is also progressing good for the Germans as both army group south Ukraine and army group north Ukraine are still pushing the soviet back to the Bismarck/Buh river line ).

July 6 President Truman sends a reply to the soviet General Secretary that he will informed Germany to join in conference which he is setting up in the Canadian city of Ottawa , latter in the day president Truman orders the United States Ambassador to Germany to speak to the German Minister of Foreign where he is to inform him that the soviet union has accepted a offer of the united states to end the eastern war and to invited the German empire in joining the soviet union and the united states in this conference which will be held in the Ottawa.
Two days ago after he arrived Oberstleutnant Skorzeny continuous to work with the Helsinki Military and resistance organization to form it into a fighting force wile also sending a urgent message for supply drops to Berlin.

July 7 In the office of the German minister of foreign affairs in Berlin a surprised member of the Provisional Government of the German empire meeting with the United States ambassador to Germany comes to a end in which he heard that the soviet union has accepted a offer by president Truman to discuses ending the eastern war , the minister after this meeting went to the Reich Chancellery where Chancellor Ludwig Beck has his office with the news in order to discussing what the next steps the Provisional Government of the German empire will take. The Ambon campaign is over with the Dutch marines/KNIL forces now in complete control of the island after the last remaining pocket of Japanese /RIT forces are destroyed ore captured with this the royal Dutch Indies army command begins to focus on the upcoming new guinea campaign which it will take part in together with the Americans and Australians where the will capture the last new guinea territory the Japanese and RIT forces still hold.

July 8 A day after the meeting with the German Minister of Foreign Affairs the United States Ambassador to Germany is telephoned by the German minister of foreign affairs himself to tell that the German empire is accepting the offer of mediation and that its wiling to commence a cease fire for its duration , latter the ambassador phones secretary of State James F. Byrnes who transfers the message to president Truman. The Finish city of Tampere becomes the temporarily seat of government of the Finish democratic republic as the Finish democratic president Otto Ville Kuusinen who was evacuated by soviet forces after the Finish Parliament Building shooting takes office in the former City Hall which is also the headquarters of the Group of Soviet Forces in Finland ( the city of Tampere is the main location of the Group of Soviet Forces in Finland and also the place where its headquarters is located and therefore its ride place for the new seat of government of the Finish democratic republic while the city of Helsinki remains the de facto capital of the Finish democratic republic ).

July 9 A P-51D mustang belonging to the ML-KNIL fly’s over the city of Makassar on the RIT control island of Celebes where it photographs dozen of ships laying in the harbor confirming the knowledge that the RIT has it on navy ( the ML-KNIL has more then 80 P-51 Mustang in several version who where delivered in 1943 to 1945 to help protect then free Dutch Indies consisting of Java and Sumatra ).

July 10 The United States puts the date of the Soviet-German-United States conference in Ottawa at July 16 wile telling the soviets and Germans that the cease fire the Germans have offered can be placed 24 hours before the conference is held on July 15 in order to give both forces time to prepare themselves ( the Soviet-German-United States conference is held in the Canadian city of Ottawa as president Truman after speaking with the Canadian prime minister who offered to host the three country conference but who is not involved in it except from hosting it ).

July 11 A month after it started the eleventh anti partisan operating ends with the central alliance again falling in capturing the leader of the partisans Tito but managing to hurt his forces who after one year without supplies from the outside world begin to dwindle in number and strength.

July 12 Secretary of State of War von Stauffenberg meets with Kom Ost Field marshal Rommel in his headquarters where the discuses the proposed July 15 case fire date which is only three days away and agree to keep the encirclement of the soviet Belorussian Fronts going in order to use its as leverage in Ottawa and to reinforce the Kiev troops wile continuing the pushback of the soviet fronts towards the Bismarck/Buh river line until the cease fire goes in affect.
In Helsinki the first militias are formed by Oberstleutnant Skorzeny as the Kaiserliche Luftwaffe continuous their supply drops wile the battle against the soviet Helsinki garrison and soviet loyal FDA forces goes on ( the militias are divided in battalions each 400 man strong and lead by RSK and free finish army soldiers and which form the fighting force of the Helsinki Military and resistance organization wile the Kaiserliche Luftwaffe now fly’s despite heavy battles going on the east front supply and support missions around the clock as the Oberkommando der kaiserliche Streitkräfte believes that supporting the Helsinki uprising will force the soviet union to deploy army divisions currently fighting on the east front towards Finland and to show the Finish government in exile that Germany dose care about them ).

July 14 The new politburo after debating fore more then two days accepts the German cease fire and the date which the Americans have suggested of July 15 in which the soviets and Germans will halt their fighting for the time being and immediately issue orders to their commanders at the front line ( the two days it took for the new politburo to agree was only made possible when the assurance was given that the soviet army could restart their offensive when needed and to use the cease fire to prepare themselves in case the eastern war would resume as the current red force offensive became a failure when the marshal coup happened and the Germans began their counterattack an trapping the three soviet Belorussian Fronts happen ).
The Imperial Iranian Army supported by MIAG planes enters the independent Republic of Mahabad and in less then a day the managed to surround the capitol of Mahabad where the begin to pounded the city with artillery and B-24 bombers wile inside the city the Mahabad war council tells the people that the will fight the Imperial Iranian Army if they tried to enter the city and calls the central alliance to support them in their struggle.
A bomber force of some 40 ML-KNIL B-25 bombers attack the port city of Makassar on the RIT control island of Celebes in order to destroy the RIT forces pinisi and sailing ships who are use to supply RIT and Japanese imperial troops on islands the control in the Dutch Indies , the attacks which is devastating kills ore wounds large numbers of people and sinking many ships in the harbor , later the day another wave from the ML-KNIL attacks the harbor again destroying any remaining ships present and serious hampering the Republic Indonesia navy capacity to supply its forces on RIT control islands.

July 15 For the first time in 5 years the guns fall silent on the east front as the German lead central alliance and the soviet union cease fire come is effect ( wile both side now halt at their positions the where and the are still in war and have begun to prepare themselves in case the eastern war resumes ).
The fist probes by Imperial Iranian Army soldiers supported by MIAG operated Stuart light tanks is repulse by the Mahabad militia and Kurdish fighters who are in the city.

July 16 A day after both sides have stooped shooting at each other and a cease fire has set in on the east front the General Secretary of the soviet union , the Chancellor of the German empire and president Truman of the united states begin to arrive in Ottawa for a conference which is considered by many to be more difficult then the previous Zurich and Madrid peace deals combined ( the Soviet-German-United States conference is not a peace negations conference but only a place where both the Germans and soviets can speak with each other ).
Oberstleutnant Skorzeny receive a message from the Kaiserliche Verteidigung und Sicherheitsbüro headquarters in Berlin that no more Kaiserliche Luftwaffe supply and support missions will be done as the cease fire is preventing the Kaiserliche Luftwaffe from flying over Finland , he is also told that he is not allowed to take active part in any battle anymore against the soviets as a soldier of the Reichsheer and for the time being he is assigned to the free Finish army for the duration of his presence in Finland ( Oberstleutnant Skorzeny is assisting the militias of the Helsinki Military and resistance organization and therefore to prevent the cease fire from being broken by the germans he is assigned to the Free finish army present in Helsinki ).
On the third day of the battle for Mahabad the defenders of Mahabad ménage to repulse the strong Imperial Iranian Army again and again forcing the MIAG to increase the bombing of the city.

July 17 Only a day in the Soviet-German-United States conference the soviet delegation demands that the Germans allow the trapped soviet Belorussian Fronts to return to soviet territory wile the Germans demand the soviets fronts to return behind the Bismarck/Buh river and Belarus panther lines.
The Imperial Iranian Army manages in the fourth day to win the battle of Mahabad and thereby ending the short lifted independent Republic of Mahabad ( the Imperial Iranian Army ménages to arrest the IRM president and prime minister who are flown by a MIAG Douglas DC-3 aircraft to Tehran where he will face trail on accounts for treason , with the battle of Mahabad over and the territory of the former independent Republic of Mahabad under control of Iran the MIAG can focus on assisting modernizing the Imperial Iranian armed forces and to protect the new US inters in the country ).

July 18 Outside Tokyo a bunker a high ranking German military liaison officer of the German Military Liaison Mission to the Japanese empire enters for his weekly meeting with the prime minister Yamamoto who now uses this bunker as the seat of the imperial government when moved it away from the capitol in fear of it being hit by a American A-bomb , in the meeting the German military officer tells prime minister Yamamoto about the cease fire on the east front and that the Chancellor will try to put the matter of the war on the table when he can , prime minister Yamamoto tells that the united states will not listen to Germany regarding to end the war and that his only hoop is that the united states gets tired and accepts the partial surrender the Japanese offer ( the German Military Liaison Mission has replaced the German embassy in Japan as it is considered to dangerous for them to operate there and so the act as the official contact between the two governments and gather information regarding military matters , prime minister Yamamoto knows that the united states has increase their attacks on the Japanese puppet State of Manchuria in order to cut the vital supply link with the Japanese home islands and because of this he is beginning to wonder if he is to except the unconditional surrender the united states demands as the Japanese people are starving , the military industry a shadow of what it was before the war and the USAAF bombing raid on the Japanese home islands despite the new Japanese aircraft is still increasing , but prime minister Yamamoto also fears that elements in the Japanese imperial army will not except the unconditional surrender as the claim that the Japanese home islands , Manchuria , Korea and the Kuril Islands have not bin invaded and are still under their control and the combined Chinese forces are still occupied in laying siege to the Japanese garrisons in many city’s along the coast of china ).

July 19 Exactly a month after he received his sentence Lavrentiy Beria and his henchmen are shoot by a GRU firing squad ending a month long insecurity for the new politburo who now can focus on ending the eastern war and showing the soviet people that the have exacted Stalin killer ( Beria who received a sentence by a special session of the Supreme Court of the USSR in June 19 was put for the fire squad in order to closes the month long power struggle and to give the new politburo full control over the soviet union who now can focus on the Soviet-German-United States conference ).

July 20 On the fourth day of the Soviet-German-United States conference shows the different in the German and soviet sides as neither of them are wiling to make promises first , wile president Truman effort to get both sides to make promises is hampered by the media at home who demand that he dos not give the Germans anything incase peace is made (wile the media in the untied states where shock that president Truman was mediating between the Germans and soviets the now demand that it only remains with that and that he dos not give the Germans who the still have a bad view of any thing in return for making peace as the are still not happy whit the previous thing that happen ).
With the soviet forces pushed out of Helsinki the new politburo orders that the Group of Soviet Forces in Finland commander to make preparations for soviet forces to take Helsinki with his forces when ordered and that for the time being his forces must surround the city and prevent people form entering ore leaving ( the new politburo du the Soviet-German-United States conference wants to wait until the believe that the can move in Helsinki and restore the Finish democratic government and to crush the Helsinki uprising with out restarting the eastern war ).

July 21 Kom Ost field marshal Rommel inspect the Deutsch-Italienischen Panzer-Armee outside the soviet Belorussian Fronts pocket who among other army group Belarus armies is standing by in case the need to engage the three trapped soviet fronts when ordered after his inspection he flew to the city of Kiev to she first hand the city who managed against all odds to remain under the control of the German Kiev garrison and the Fallschirmjägers for two months will suffering great losses in soldiers and material ( field marshal Rommel after his inspection of Kiev handed on behave of Kaiser Wilhelm III military awards to some of the Kiev defenders for their bravery in defending the city ).

July 22 With a Kurdish uprising in north Iraq south Turkey and seeing the British occupied in Iraq members of the Jewish Resistance Movement plant several bombs in the British civil and military administration in the King David Hotel killing 90 people ( the Jewish Resistance Movement is a umbrella group for militant Jewish underground movements which believe that British Mandate for Palestine is weak as the British are heavily focus on fighting the Kurdish uprising in north Iraq ).

July 23 In the seventh day of the Soviet-German-United States conference the Germans and soviets agree that wounded soldiers of the soviet three Belorussian Fronts trapped in the pocket are allowed to return to soviet territory thru a corridor the Germans wile open. Prime minister Churchill condemns the King David Hotel bombing and tells that the British will not allow any organization creating chaos in the British Mandate for Palestine and that the British are cable to handle any situation both in Iraq and the British Mandate for Palestine ( the uprising in north Iraq still continuous with the Kurds still fighting both in north Iraq and south Turkey despite the don’t receive air supports from German and Italy du the cease fire ).

July 24 Three days sins the soviets where forced out of Helsinki the Helsinki Military and resistance organization militias continuo preparing themselves for a possible counter attack by the soviets wile the people of Helsinki still celebrate their victory against the soviets not knowing that the soviet are amassing their forces outside the city ready to move in when ordered ( wile the people are celebrating their victory the Helsinki Military and resistance organization is beginning to prepare it self for the upcoming battle the now will come du intelligence reports the have received from outside of the city where two soviet divisions surrounding Helsinki are position ).

July 25 In a private conversation between Chancellor Ludwig Beck and president Truman the events that happen in Germany in the past year come up with president Truman telling that the American people do not think the Germans have done enough to punish those responsible for the atrocities against Jews and the still think bad of the empire wile also putting out towards the Chancellor that his administration is in problem du the weak Zurich peace deal the previous US administration signed in response Chancellor Ludwig Beck tells the president that the Provisional Government of the German empire has nothing to du with the former German Nazi policies and are punished those the believe where held accountable for it and that the Provisional Government of the German empire is wiling to discuses the Zurich peace deal and to change it to reflect a more positive side for the united states (wile president Truman wants to make changes to the Zurich peace deal he has problems back at home where the congress , media and many people demand that he dos not make deals with the German empire ).

July 26 The first A-bomb on the Japanese puppet State of Manchuria port city of Dàlián is dropped by a B-29S bomber belonging to the XXI Bomber Command destroying the city and killing more then 120,000 people ( the USAAF has decided to bomb the Manchuria port city to show the Japanese empire that the are not safe anywhere and to destroy a vital port the Japanese are using to as port to supply the Japanese home islands ).

July 28 The first major success in the Soviet-German-United States conference is made when the Germans delegation gives permission for the three soviet Belorussian Fronts to return to soviet territory unarmed and with out any vehicles , the soviet accept this deal knowing wheal enough that the have the material to replace them but not the soldiers which are trapped. The free Finish navy submarine FNS Vetehinen enters the port of Helsinki undetected in the middle of the night carry additional free Finish army soldiers and supplies for the Helsinki Military and resistance organization who is now in control over the city, after unloading its cargo the FNS Vetehinen returns to its home port of Gotenhafen ( as the cease fire is still in effect the Germans are unable to send supplies to Oberstleutnant Skorzeny , his Reichsheer Spezialkräfte under his command and the Helsinki Military and resistance organization militias in fear of braking the cease fire and therefore the use the free Finish navy as it is a independent controlled navy under control of a friendly government who is not a member of the central alliance and who is considered the legitimate government of Finland. ).

July 29 The ninth A-bomb is dropped by a B-29S belonging to the USAAF bomber belonging to the XXI Bomber Command on the Japanese city of Gifu killing more then 40,000 people who where still in the city ( the USAAF has decided to begin bombing major and vital city’s in Japan with A-bombs again and the first target was Gifu as it serves as the base for the manufacture of fire balloons ( as for now Tokyo is still a no A-bomb target but there a voices in the United States military and government who want to use a A-bomb on the Japanese capitol as the believe that it destruction will bring Japan on it knees , the fire balloons du periodically land on US territory but the have not killed anybody sins May 5 1945 when 6 people where killed by a Japanese fire balloon in Lakeview , Oregon ).

July 30 In Ottawa the Soviet-German-United States conference ends with the three sides agreeing to hold a second conference before peace talks are to be held , the cease fire current in effect will remain and will be expanded to the Turkish front , to allow all nation involve in the eastern war to be present at the second conference ( the second conference date is not bin set but is expected to be held in August in a yet undisclosed country , the other central alliance nations who where not present at the Soviet-German-United States conference also have the cease fire as most where operating under German army groups and are expected to be at the second conference which will be the general rehearsal before the actual peace talks will take place and which many believe wile be a long one).
With the eastern front having a cease fire the soviet two divisions surrounding Helsinki begin to receive one additional infantry division bringing them to a total strength of 3 wile the total number of the divisions who are part of the Soviet Forces in Finland are brought up to 24 divisions who now have some 338,000 soldiers deployed in the Finish democratic republic ( some of the new infantry divisions come form the Belarus panther line wile the most are from other parts of the soviet union as the new politburo believes that Germany will not brake the cease fire in order to aid those in Helsinki ).

July 31 In a terrorist attack in Paris the United Kingdom embassy is destroyed by a bomb placed by the Jewish Resistance Movement killing two gendarmes and seven British embassy personal wile wounding dozen of people , later the British government and the French Government in a join statement condemned the bombing ( the Jewish Resistance Movement planed the embassy bombing and the King David Hotel bombing as part to force the British out of the British Mandate and to gain their on independent Jewish state , the two gendarmes who where killed where guarding on request of the British government the embassy after the King David Hotel bombing happen as the United Kingdom embassy is the largest in free Europe ).

Monday, November 12, 2007

29 1946

June 1 After two days the marshal coup participants have taken control over the city of Moscow and managed to arrested Beria who during the brief battle was arrested by forces loyal to the coup ( the marshal coup participants have decided that Beria who is one of the feared persons in the soviet union is to get the blame as the now he is the perfect scapegoat ).

June 2 The coup participants announce to other soviet military and civilian officials that the have prevented a attempt of Beria and his henchmen from taking control over Moscow and the soviet union and Stalin was killed by forces loyal to Beria during the struggle.
In the kingdom of Croatia the Italians , Germans and Croatia army's launch their eleventh enemy offensive against the Partisans still fighting in the valleys and mountains of the kingdom ( the Germans du the soviet new offensive only can spear the XVth Cossack Cavalry Corps which is part of Armeeabteilung Kroatien ).

June 3 Two days after being captured Beria is now being held at the headquarters of the Moscow Military District and kept under guard by loyal coup soldiers away from any contact in order to prevent him from telling the truth. Six USAAF B-24 Liberators bombers part of the USAFE land in Iran as the Imperial Iranian Army continuous its preparations for the assault against the independent Republic of Mahabad ( the B-24 Liberators are the first of a total of 20 to be deployed by the US Military Iran Advisory Group ( MIAG ) and will be used for support to the Imperial Iranian Army in their upcoming ground assault as the Imperial Iranian Air Force sins the Anglo-Soviet invasion of 1941 has no air force to speak of but which is now with the help of the united states is beginning to be reestablish as a independent air force that can patrol and defend its country ).
Kom Ost Field marshal Rommel orders the German army groups to use the chaos in the soviet fronts to drive begin to drive the soviets back behind the German panther and Bismarck/Buh river line , wile he begins planning for a new attack which will show the soviets why he is called the Östlicher Fuchs by the men under his command.

June 4 After 6 days in power the coup participants put people in the Politburo which consist of anti Stalinist and coup members who first order is beginning the de-Stalinization of the soviet union which includes removing all Stalinist members in high places ( wile it looks like the coup participants are working fast to establish a new politburo is that the don't want any Stalinist members and Beria supporters to challenge them , the de-Stalinization will be done in total secrecy and over a long time ).
Field marshal Rommel decides that the defenders of Kiev need help and with the city suffering around the clock artillery bombardments from the 2nd Ukrainian Front and the 3rd Belorussian Front who surround the city he decides to use fallschirmjagers of the 1st Parachute Army to drop troops in the city and to help the defenders keeping a large soviet army busy despite sacrificing hundred of thousand troops will he planes for this operation to take place the soviet fronts who are still in disarray du the new takeover in Moscow begin to feel that the Germans still can fight as German Panzers IV/ X , Panthers and Tiger II tanks supported by German infantry and artillery begin their counter attack after almost a month of retreat ( the 1st Parachute Army is made op of 30,000 soldiers and is the new elite force in the kaiserliche Streitkräfte of the empire of Germany after the SS became the Kaiser Schutzstaffel (KS) and was absorbed into the Reichsheer , the Kaiserliche Verteidigung und Sicherheitsbüro is still puzzled du information the revive about the situation on the east front and has yet find a explanation of what is happening in the soviet union ).

June 5 The second day of the German army group Belarus counter attack against the soviet 1st , 2nd and 3rd Belorussian Fronts begin to show result as the soviet are suffering more then during operation red force forced wile on the black sea the mighty battleship NMS Elisabeta and the destroyer NMS Marasesti and two of the three Regia Marine destroyers present in the black sea shell soviet coastal position outside the Romanian hold city of Cetatea Albã where the soviet after capturing Odessa and braking thru the Bismarck/Buh river line try to capture it in their march towards Romania ( Odessa which was the starting line of the Bismarck/Buh river line fell late May which forced several naval units of the Romanian , Italian and Germans to relocate to Constanta naval base in Romania ).
With the new politburo now in control of the soviet union the bring the news what happen out thru the newspaper Pravda which reports that loyal soviet troops managed to prevent NKVD Internal Troops under control of Lavrenty Beria from taking over the soviet union and that during the battle Stalin was killed , the newspaper also announce that Beria and six of his henchmen where arrested and will be tried for crimes against the soviet union ( wile many rumors where spreading this is the first announcement the new soviet government makes to the people of the soviet union and the outside world of watt has happen more then week ago ).

June 6 Stalin despite being the reason for the coup participants to take action body is laid next to Lenin body in Lenin's Mausoleum where the people can visits his body before as he as a yet to determent date will be buried ( the new politburo wants to keep the appearance that Beria was the one that killed Stalin and therefore decided that Stalin body will lay next to Lenin body for the time being ).

June 8 With the Ambon campaign still continuing the Dutch marines/KNIL forces fighting against the Japanese /RIT forces receive heavier fire power as 12 Sherman tank belonging to the royal Dutch marines arrive on the island where the Japanese and RIT forces despite Dutch air , naval and ground superiority still continuo to fight on ( the Dutch with the Ambon campaign still going on are together with the US and the Australians already preparing to recapture large parts of new guinea which are still under control of Japanese imperial forces who have bin isolated sins the US and Australians forced them inland ).

June 9 After a year in prison former SS-Standartenführer Otto Skorzeny is released from Landsberg Prison after receiving a pardon of the Kaiser and the his promise that he will join the Reichsheer , he was put in jail du his part in the uprising of January 10 1945 with the Himmler faction but as he was only following orders and surrendered to the then shadow forces and the need for experience commanders he was given a pardon and now will be put at charge of the newly created Reichsheer Spezialkräfte who is replacing the disbanded Brandenburg regiment ( he will receive a rank of Oberstleutnant in the Reichsheer and will fall under the Kaiserliche Verteidigung und Sicherheitsbüro where he will lead the Reichsheer Spezialkräfte/ imperial army special forces ( RSK ) which will become the Reichsheer new commando force ).

June 11 Under order 18 the first British SAS team is secretly deployed in the border region of Turkey/Iraq to begin Intelligence collection wile other SAS teams are raiding Kurdish position in north Iraq ( the SAS team at the border must collect evidence that German is supplying weapons to the Kurdish forces battling the British lead Iraqforce in north Iraq , the Kurdish have begun to organize themselves and are beginning to become a united front against both Iraq and Turkey , the Kurdish have turned many city's and villages in north Iraq into battlefields where car and suicide attacks against the Iraqforce have become daily affairs and engagements between Kurdish versus the Iraqforce are conmen , the Kurdish forces now control a strip of area in the Turkey/Iraq border region where the have begun to set up a government like the independent Republic of Mahabad in northwestern Iran where the have begun shipping weapons to as it faces a possible invasion of Iran ).

June 12 Soldiers from the Italian 3rd Alpini Division Julia are the first troops who instead of dropping by parachute disembark from a Luftwaffe Arado Ar 232 transport plane who manages to land on a improvise landings strip in the Kurdish control Turkey ( the Ar 232 is a plane design for landing on difficult places and after delivering 30 soldiers the Ar 232 managed to take of and returned safely back to the island of Rhodes where a German air detachment is being use for dropping supplies and troops to the Kurdish forces fighting the Turks and soviet army's in Turkey ).
German army group south Ukraine begins a counter attack supported by the air power of the Aeronautica Regalã Românã , Luftwaffe and the Regia Aeronautica against the soviet 4th Ukrainian Front outside the Romanian city of Cetatea Albã wile on other parts of the Ukrainian front German army group south Ukraine is also attacking the soviet Ukrainian fronts in order to drive them back behind the previous held Bismarck/Buh river line ( the Germans have two army groups in the Administrative Area Ukraine which are army group north Ukraine and army group south Ukraine , both army groups where created by field marshal Rommel when he became Kommandant von Allen deutschen Kräften im Osten ).

June 17 A royal Dutch navy Kingfisher floatplane launched from the cruiser HNLMS Ruyter spots several small sailing boats heading to the island of Buru and in the engagement the cruiser HNLMS Ruyter , destroyers HMNLS Tjerk Hiddes , HMNLS Van Galen and two Royal Australian Navy destroyers manage to sink the small boats with no loses to the Dutch/Australian squadron , latter the survivors of the small boats explain that the are part of the Republik Indonesia Timur newly created who was ordered to bring man and supplies from the RIT control island of Celebes to the island of Buru in order to reinforce the Japanese /RIT garrison there as the fear that with Ambon almost under Dutch control the island of Buru is next and therefore despite allied naval ship patrolling the Dutch Indies try to get supplies to their holdings ( the Vought OS2U Kingfisher has replaced the Fokker C 11W floatplane originally aboard the HNLMS Ruyter as it became harder to operated them without spare parts , more then 6 Vought OS2U Kingfisher where received under the land lease from the US in 1943 of which two operate from the cruiser , the Dutch/Australian squadron is patrolling around the island of Ambon as where the Ambon campaign still is going on , the Republic Indonesia navy/Republic Indonesia angkatan laut ( RIAL ) mostly use small boats supplied by the reaming Japanese imperial navy present on the island of Celebes ).

June 18 USAAF XX Bomber Command increase their attacks in targets in the Japanese puppet State of Manchuria ( the USAAF is thinking about using nuclear weapons on targets in Manchuria to destroy the Japanese capacity to defend themselves on mainland china ). June 19 Beria and his henchmen are tried by a special session of the Supreme Court of the USSR ( the new politburo members already have a sentence in mind for him and his former henchmen's ).
The battle outside the Romanian held city of Cetatea Albã continuous as slowly the Romanian fourth army who is part of German army group south Ukraine pushes the elements of the soviet 4th Ukrainian Front away from the city ( the central alliance nations also have army's on the east front under German command with the Romanian third army and Romanian fourth army are part of German army group south Ukraine and the German army group north Ukraine has the Armata Italiana in Russia (ARMIR) , Slovak Army Group and the Hungarian third army as it central alliance participants ).

June 21 In Hong Kong the Japanese imperial army garrisons controlling Hong Kong and Macau still holds out despite several attempts by the combined Chinese forces surrounding the city from capturing even with American and Chinese aircraft flying daily missions against the garrisons. The first Fallschirmjägers are drop from Luftwaffe transport planes over the besiege city of Kiev and despite heavy soviet AA the first 1000 Fallschirmjägers manage to join the 100,000 German defenders who in the still besieged city are holding the soviet 2nd Ukrainian Front and the 3rd Belorussian Front away wile also tying up two large soviet fronts preventing them from aiding the soviet fronts battling the German army groups.
The new politburo orders that all 53 Internal Troops divisions and 20 Internal Troops brigades active in the soviet union are to be reduced in numbers and it functions to be taken over by special units of the soviet army ( this includes the gulag labor camps and guarding the borders of the soviet union ).

June 23 With a new regime in power in the soviet union and believing that mediating a between the soviets and the Germans will benefit the united states president Truman offers to mediate between them in the hopes of ending the eastern war and showing the US congress who still is busy with the Congressional peace deal Investigating Committee that making peace with Germany was a mistake and the US has to move on in ending the war in Europe and create peace there ( the Congressional peace deal Investigating Committee is still questioning people related to the Zurich peace deal and because of that president Truman wants to show the people of the united states that he is concerned about making peace as he knows that the empire of Germany and the central alliance are here to stay and a collapse of Germany ore the soviet union is not in the best interest in the united states who still is fighting the empire of Japan in the pacific ).
Believing now is the right thing to students from schools , universities and other young people in the Finish capitol city of Helsinki go on the street demanding that the soviet union leafs Finland and free elections are to be held , the demonstration which number 5,000 begins small and peaceful both are watch by the Finish democratic army and soviet Helsinki garrison troops who have orders not to brake the demonstration up yet.

June 25 In the Kremlin the new politburo after hearing the request from the united states to mediate between them and Germany is put under consideration as operation red force after a very good start is now going bad for the soviet forces on the east front as the German continuo their counter attacks and recapturing territory the soviet previous captured during the operation. More then 20,000 protesters have join the students in their protest for free elections and the removal of the soviet union from Finland , latter in the day a crowed gathered around the Yleisradio radio building which was heavily guarded by FDA soldiers who refused to allow the delegation to broadcast their demands what resulted was the delegation who wanted to entered where arrested by GRU agents who where present near the building causing a fight to brake out in which the GRU agents fire on the crowd killing many ( the GRU has taken over several of the former NKVD duty's as it is being disbanded du its link with Beria and where present to monitor the radio station in case its occupants decided to join the protesters , the FDA soldiers who where guarding the building where also shoot and when news reached other FDA soldiers that the soviet fired on FDA soldiers and a innocent crowd many begin to question which side the belong to).

June 26 The first bombing mission of MIAG attached B-24 Liberators based out of Iran against targets in the independent Republic of Mahabad is done when 3 B-24s drop 11,800 kg of bombs on Mahabad which is the capitol of the self proclaim independent Republic of Mahabad ( the US Military Iran Advisory Group which trains and assist the Imperial Iranian Army which now has almost more then 20,000 soldiers ready to move in the region wile the US also has send more then 30 Stuart light tanks which are donated to the Imperial Iranian Army but are operated by the US Military Iran Advisory Group which was formed after the Washington DC agreement between the soviet union and Iran in where the united states promised both nations to help Iran in resolving the independent Republic of Mahabad matter in return of the soviet pullback from Iran ).
The finish Communist Party Secretary and chairman of the government Otto Ville Kuusinen request that the soviet union assist in his view a demonstration that is becoming a threat to the finish democratic republic survivability this is manly because several FDA soldiers have chosen the side of the protesters and that several FDA military depots in the finish capitol have bin raided with their weapons distributed to other protesters. The Germans start operation Falke which involves German army group Belarus forces consist of more then 1000 tanks and will try to outflank the soviet who are poring out the German Belarus panther line gap the have created ( the central alliance nations on the east front who are part of German army group Belarus are the German-Italian Panzer Army and the Spanish Expeditionary Corps Russia ).

June 27 More Arado Ar 232 transport plane manage to land successful on landings strips in Kurdish controlTurkey despite roaming Turkish and soviet fighters ( the Luftwaffe uses these airstrips in remote areas control by the Kurdish forces in order to send more weapons and equipment to the Kurdish fighters then the previous air drops where doing plus with the soviet having lost a majority of fighters over the east front many fighters detachments have bin send to bolster the soviet air force leaving the Turkish air force mostly alone battling the central alliance in the air making it easier for the Luftwaffe to land transport planes in Turkey itself ). Under orders from the new politburo minister of defense Zhukov authorizes the soviet Helsinki garrison to assist the FDA in bringing order to the city of Helsinki wile also ordering troops present in other parts of Finland to prevent any demonstration from spilling out and to take any action needed and also authorizing more troops to be send to assist the soviet Helsinki garrison and FDA ( the politburo fears that if the situation in Helsinki is not resolved quickly the it could spread and the Germans ore even the united states will get involved , Marshall Zhukov did not participant in the marshal coup but was asked as somebody who is hugely popular with the military to take op the positions of commander of the soviet forces and Ministry of Defense for the time being as the now that he only has the best interest in mind of the soviet union and is not a threat to the new politburo ).
Second day of operation Falke as the soviet 1st and 2nd Belorussian Fronts believing that the Germans would attack them head on are surprise to notice the German have outflank them and are attacking them from the sides wile other German forces begin to close the 200 miles long deep gap in the Belarus panther line in the aim to enclose the soviet fronts and to them destroy them. June 28 Soldiers of the soviet Helsinki garrison begin to be station outside the finish Parliament building and are deployed at key bridges and crossroads and have begun reliving FDA soldiers guarding military depots that have not yet bin raided by the protestors in the finish capitol.

June 29 With news about demonstrations in Helsinki arriving at the desk of Admiral Canaris he orders Oberstleutnant Otto Skorzeny who already was making planes to deployed the RSK to Turkey to instead prepare the RSK and a group of free finish soldiers under his command to be drop in Helsinki where the are to take command , aiding , training and organizingtghe Finish resistance to the soviets in Helsinki ,the only thing he dos not like is that he has no more then four days before he will be drop in the city ( the now Oberstleutnant Otto Skorzeny was already busy getting to now the RSK soldiers when he was ordered to appear before Admiral Canaris where he heard about his new mission ).
After two days of fighting the soviet marshal in command of the Belarus sector which has the 1st , 2nd and 3rd Belorussian Fronts under his control decides he can not risk being encircled as the massive flanking attack by German army group Belarus , the closing of the Belarus panther line gap by other German forces and the lack of air support are costing him dearly but he knows that with his forces now retreating the soviet who probably can hold out longer du having more manpower available will lose any advantage the have , but he also knows that with the new regime change in Moscow any retreat if absolutely needed to be don will not be punish as hard as if he wanted to retreat under the Stalin regime , after thinking it thru he orders his adjutant to send a message to the General Headquarters of the soviet armed forces in which he request orders to continuo ore has permission to prevent the Germans from closing the Belarus panther line gap his forces have created ( the German army groups north and south Ukraine are fighting their way back to the Bismarck/Buh river line wile the Turkish front remain stable after the failed attempt of the soviet 1st Turkish front and Turkish army to cross the Bosporus strait and capture the Bulgarian occupied city of Istanbul was halted by German army group east lead by Field Marshall Kesselring who with the situation on the Turkish front stable again is ordered to redeploy several German and Romanian army divisions to aid the German army group south Ukraine , the German army group east consist of the Bulgarian 2nd Occupation Corps , Bulgarian 2nd and 4th army Corpo di Spedizione Italiano in Turkey( CSIT ) which also has the Corsica Legion étrangère Corse under its command , two divisions of the royal Romanian army and the German Tenth Army made mostly op of infantry divisions ).

June 30 A large group of protesters gatherers in front of the finish Parliament Building where a large force of the soviet Helsinki garrison is present when soviet units begin shooting into the crowd from the rooftops of neighboring buildings , but the crowd supplied by arms taken from the FDA or given by finish soldiers who have joined the uprising begin to shoot back escalating a already dangerous situation. Marshall Zhukov commander of the soviet forces and Ministry of Defense reads the message send by the commander of the Belarus sector and begins to think that with the Stalin regime in power the operation red force was going wheal and now whit a new regime in power the table again have turned in favor to the Germans , latter a day later he sends his message to the commander of the Belarus sector a message that will decide operation red force successes and also the war itself.

Monday, October 8, 2007

Part 28 1946

May 2 The French 1st Foreign Regiment debarks from a transport ship in the Syrian Port of Lattakia where the under a agreement signed between the French republic and the republic of Syria will assist in the patrolling of the Syrian border and help in training the Syrian army ( the French 1st Foreign Regiment is the first French army regiment to enter the now independent republic of Syria sins the French left the country under British pressure in 1945 their main task is to help protecting the Syrian/Turkish border will also helping in training the Syrian army , the British du the Kurdish uprising in Iraq have accepted that Syria falls under French influence but also warn that the French republic must respect Syrian newly given independence ore else it will intervene as it dos not want the region destabilize any furder).

May 3 The Kurdish uprising in north Iraq has turned in to a war between the Iraqforce versus the Kurdish rebels wile in east Turkey the Kurdish rebels and their German help have force the Turkish/soviet armed forces to deploy more troops to east Turkey ( the soviet have send more troops to aid them and have increase the Kurdish deportations to camps in the soviet union will also helping the Turks in setting camps up in Turkey itself ).

May 5 Kommandant Ost Field marshal Rommel in his German eastern command headquarters receive more disturbing reports of the soviet being up to something from reports from Luftwaffe recon missions over soviet territory and the fact that the front line is to quit with exception from artillery barrages and the occasion tank and infantry attacks the soviet al across the entire eastern front have bin quit for a while something that butters him very much ( Field marshal Rommel has not bin idle and has use the time sins he became Commander of All German Forces in the East to increase the defenses and the strength of German and central alliance forces under his command ).

May 6 The carrier RN Aquila arrives in its new home of Taranto where it will be deployed from for its sea and carrier trails (Prime Minister Mussolini has already ordered that the first combat mission of the RN Aquila must be don before 1947 and if nesacary before the German use the their carrier the SMS Graf zeppelin in order to show the world and its fellow central alliance members that Italy has is again a force to be reckon with ).
After more then four months being besieged the Japanese imperial garrison of Fort Bayard is destroyed and the city is captured by the combined forces of Nationalist and Communist Chinese forces leaving only Canton , Hong Kong and Hainan under Japanese control in the south Chinese theater and controlling a coast area from shanghai up to Beijing ( Hong Kong which is also under siege for more then four months is still holding on despite several attempts of the combined Chinese army besieging it and daily USAAF XX Bomber Command bombers raids attacking the Japanese garrison ).

May 7 In the early morning the 1st , 2nd and 3rd Belorussian Fronts begin their massive attacks against the German Belarus panther line wile the 1st , 2nd , 3rd and 4th Ukrainian Fronts begin their attack on the German Bismarck/ Buh River line.

May 8 Despite having warning of the soviet build up the Germans are still surprise at the shear offensive the soviet have started as in the first 24 hours of operation red force the three Belorussian Fronts have managed to brake the German Belarus panther line in several places wile the 2nd and 3rd Ukrainian Fronts have already reach the leveled out city of Kiev.

May 9 Operation red force continuous s as the 2nd Ukrainian Front artillery begins to rain on the German garrison holding the city of Kiev and the massive push of the 1st , 2nd and 3rd Belorussian Fronts seems to push the Germans defenders in some places away from their former positions will in the German eastern command headquarters desperate attempts are made to think of counter moves before a total destruction of the German forces in the east happens. May 10 After three days the soviets begin to notice that despite having amassed the largest army ever seen the battle is not over as Luftwaffe fighters battle their soviet counterparts for control of the skies as Panzer IV/ X , Panther , Tiger I and II tanks dual against T-34 and IS tanks wile German panzer grenadiers and soviet infantry in some places fight hand to hand.
The iraqforce commander from his Bagdad headquarters begins using his new power which under order 18 from prime minster Churchill are given to him as he orders the SAS to begin small raids against the Kurdish in north Iraq and Turkey will increasing the attempts to prevent weapons to be smuggled over to the Kurdish forces in north Iraq and to created order in the city’s ( order 18 allows the commander of the Iraqforce to use all means possible to aid Iraq in brining order to north Iraq , to prevent the situation from spilling over to Iran ore other countries , to allow any soviet ore Turkish ground ore air units to land and to be aided when in Iraq , to engage all hostile forces entering Iraq from the air ore by land , the order was sign on April 18 1946 by prime minster Churchill and is to restore law and order to the kingdom of Iraq will not trying to escalated the eastern war ).

May 11 Kiev is slowly surrounded with more then 100,000+ German troops trapped but who are still fighting from well defended positions causing the 2nd Ukrainian Front surrounding the city to suffer heavily ( the Germans under field marshal Rommel had time to prepare their defenses and with the information gathered where already in a high state of readiness ).
A major military offensive against the Japanese/RIT controlled island of Ambon begins when more then 3000 royal Dutch marines land to take back the island and to use the island for future operations against other Japanese/RIT Dutch East Indies controlled islands ( this is a attempt by the Dutch government in Den Hague to recapture all of the still occupied Dutch East Indies and to defeated the Japanese imperial army and pro Japanese Republic of East Indonesia/Republik Indonesia Timur ( RIT ) forces holding those islands ).

May 12 The battle for the skies over the eastern front heats up with the soviets having amassed more then 4 to 1 in ratio in fighters , but the Germans have their one secret weapons in several well strategy placed AA rocket batteries who together with the well trained Luftwaffe pilots begin to take the soviet number and surprise out of the equation ( the soviet still use prop fighter will the Germans use the modern ME-262 , DO-335C heavy fighter and FW-250 fighter types will also having new AA rockets placed in strategic locations to intercept the soviet air forces fighters ).
A day after the Ambon campaign has started the royal Dutch navy and Royal Australian Navy begin their support mission of the 3000 Dutch marines in shelling Japanese/RIT coastal positions on the island (the RIT forces and Japanese imperial army have a 1,300 strong force present on the island, the Celebes/Maluku/Lesser and Sunda Islands and parts of Dutch/Australian new guinea are still under control of the Japanese /RIT forces but are isolated du allied navy and air power 0preventing them from getting supply’s) .

May 13 Wile the soviet 2nd Ukrainian Front still tries to destroy the Germans defending Kiev in the eastern command headquarters Field marshal Rommel counter orders begin to show some results with German forces managing to slow the soviet onslaught in several places of the battle field , with the battle fore Belarus despite the three Belorussian Fronts massive numbers begins to slow down as with each day that passes the Germans begin to gain more and more control over the skies and in some places where the soviet air force is no longer present to attack the soviet advance in a desperate attempt to buy time ( the soviet air force has massed in large numbers causing some areas of the battle field to have no ore limit air cover something the Germans are using to full effect forcing the soviet to spread their air force ).

May 14 General Patton is made military governor of the former Japanese island of Formosa as the US forces which are still battling have now got more then 70 % of the island under control , during the four month Formosa campaign the Americans suffered 36,726 dead or missing and more then 104,540 wounded will the Japanese imperial army suffered more then 130,000 dead and missing and more then 42,000 wounded with still 60,000 Japanese soldiers resistance with hit and run actions and suicide attacks against the American forces present on the island ( General Patton was made military governor in order to keep him away from Europe where he before was a commander of a US Europe force corps and as far as possible from Germany will also keeping him in a place where he can no longer be a critic of the Truman administration which he considers weak for heaving signed the Zurich peace deal , General Patton main goal as military governor is to get full control over the island , to restore order and to keep the Chinese Nationalist and Communist from taking control over Formosa of which both claim as theirs is resolved ).
Stalin who was briefed by defense minister Marshal Smyon Timoshenko orders that the soviet troops must fight harder ore else are to be punish du the results of operation red force not going the way Stalin wants , latter Marshal Semyon Timoshenko tells a fellow marshal that the Stalin is no longer has the best interest for the country and that Germany and the central alliance can not be as easily defeated as the toughed ( more and more marshals begin to rallies that the Great Patriotic War can not be won despite the number of troops fighting as the Germans and here CA allies are united in their fight to stop the soviet union and the soviet union has no longer the friends and the support it once hade to help them in their struggle which no has enter its 5th year ).

May 15 With operation red force going on in the east front the soviet 1st Turkish front and the Turkish army launches several attempts to cross the Bosporus strait and to recapture the Bulgarian occupied city of Istanbul but all attempts fail du strong resistance of the Istanbul defenders preventing the soviet and Turks from getting a beach head ( this is the first major action the Turks and soviet have done after the recaptured everything up to the Bosporus and Dardanelles strait leaving only the Marmara Region in Bulgarian and central alliance control but the attacks failed du the Turkish army having to deploy more then 200,000 troops in order to battle the Kurdish in east Turkey and with the Turkish front du operation red force not having a high priority ).

May 16 The 1st and 2nd Belorussian Fronts are losing more tanks and soldiers than the can replace despite inflicting heavy loses to the Germans with only having managed to greater a gap in the Belarus panther line which is 200 miles long and 60 miles deep will the 3rd Belorussian Front has joined the 2nd Ukrainian Front in their siege of Kiev.
Despite daily B-29 bomber raids and the starvation that has hit the Japanese home islands the Japanese people still carry on with their daily lives will outside Tokyo in a newly constructed bunker the Supreme War Council under leadership from prime minster yamamoto still believes that the Americans will accept a partial surrender and allow the Japanese empire to keep the territory its still controls ( the Japanese have now several new weapons in use in which the try desperately to turn the tide will US bombers from their bases in Marianas and Okinawa islands continuo their daily attacks on city’s and other targets in great numbers and raiding with their naval taskforce on Japanese coastal targets plus with the Americans now also focusing their attention to the Japanese puppet state of Manchuria the Japanese know that time is running out but still the believe that the united states will accepted a peace deal like the did with Germany ).

May 17 Commanders of the soviet forces receive new orders written by Stalin in which he demands that if no major victory is secured in the next 48 hours people will be arrested for failing to achieve their goals , hearing this several division front commanders and even several high ranking military officers feel that Stalin has no longer the best intensions for the soviet union in mind (a increasing group of high ranking military officers have kept quit even with the several times Stalin had arrested soldiers and officers he felt where not op to their job this time the believe he has gone to far as operation red force is only 10 days old and result are can still come as the believe the Germans can not hold out against the large number of soviet troops for long ).

May 19 The siege of Kiev by the 2nd Ukrainian Front continuous as the German defenders continue to hold out despite supplies that are now dwindling will attempts by the Luftwaffe and German army to supply them only help a little bit.
With Stalin new orders clear in their heads many soviet officers try to spore their troops on in a attempts to save them self knowing that the battle is not going fast enough to please Stalin.

May 20 NKVD security forces begin to carry out Stalin orders as the arrest more then 80,000 soldiers of the Ukrainian and Belorussian Fronts and their families are arrested with the charge of being traitors of the Homeland and allowing the fascist to stall the soviet union in their rightful quest to liberate Europe from oppression ( Stalin still considers the Germans fascist despite having overthrown Hitler in a coup and dos not want to listen to any reason to make peace with the empire of Germany ).

May 21 24 hours after the beginning of the may 20 purge the marshals who where in contact with each other before the Stalin orders came in decide enough is enough and begin in communicating with each other and to look how many other soviet army commanders and their divisions will join them in a possible action against Stalin ( the marshals where in contact with each other and number about four high ranking members of the soviet army who feel that Stalin is throwing lives away end is no longer in control of the soviet state ).

May 22 The battle of the east front still continuous with German forces almost exhausted from trying to slow the massive soviet fronts will soviets have almost lost their air advantage over the battle field which gives the German Luftwaffe the power to hit the soviet ground forces. Under the Treaty of London ( same treaty as in OTL ) the Kingdom of Transjordan is founded and also becomes a member of the united nations ( unlike OTL where the membership in the United Nations was vetoed by the soviet union here in the DDW timeline the members of the UN accepted the request as the soviet union du the east war dos not want to upset the UK as it still receive together with the united states lend lease witch has bin expended to run until 1947 ).

May 24 Several marshals and other high ranking soviet military and political figures gather for their most importing meeting ever outside Moscow and guarded by loyal soldiers to prevent the NVDK from getting wind of this important meeting which will decide the actions the will take.

May 25 The city of Canton becomes the second Chinese city to fall in a short order as the combined Chinese army defeats the Japanese garrison holding the city , later the Chinese and US army Detachment 202 of the Central Intelligence Group discover the ruins of a Japanese secret military medical unit which had its headquarters in Canton ( the secret military medical unit is latter to be expose as Unit 8604 which conducted biological warfare and human experiments but no person ore important records are found as the where evacuated by submarines during the four months siege , the Central Intelligence Group has replaced the OSS main united states intelligence agency with military and civilian Branches ).

May 27 In Iran the Imperial Iranian Army is preparing with the help of some American advisers to retake the territory the independent Republic of Mahabad has taken as under the agreement Iran and the soviet made in Washington D.C. a month ago ( the Imperial Iranian Army will not as strong as the where before the Anglo-Soviet invasion of Iran 5 years ago knows that the retaking the IRM hold territory is the only way to get the soviet union to leave their country as agreed and with the help from the united states who already has begon to show interest in the Iranian oil fields has promise to aid Iran in retaking IRM hold territory , the IRM is only recognize by some central alliance nations as a independent nation but is regarded as part of Iran by the United Nations ).

May 28 With the Dutch marines still pushing to take control of the island a regiment of the KNIL is send to aid them in Ambon campaign will Dutch and Australian naval vessel continuo shelling Japanese and RIT coastal position and Dutch B-25 Mitchell and Australian B-24 Liberator bombers do the same from the sky based from basses in Australia and Dutch/ Portuguese Timor.

May 29 Before the sun has set the marshal coup begins when several hastily gathered and coup loyal soviet divisions begin their move in the capitol of the soviet union to end the reign of Stalin.

Sunday, August 26, 2007

Part 27 1946

April 3 The Corsica social republic with approving from Italy sells all three pica Class Torpedo Boats (MC Bonifacio , MC Porto , MC Ajaccio ) to its fellow central alliance member Spain in order to remove ships the it can not fully man and who are a burden to its weak economy , the three ships are to be handed over to the Spanish navy before 1947 and witch are also a step in the rearm program of general Franco to create a armed force to be reckoned with and to tilt the French/British presence in the Mediterranean Sea in favor to Spain and the central alliance , the Marine de Corse still relies on Italy to help them man its two destroyers and one cruiser du their shortest of manpower and the rivalry between the Marine de Corse and the large Armée de Corse ). April 5 The SMS Graf Zeppelin arrives in Wilhelmshaven where it will be deployed as part of the North sea fleet.

April 6 The US congress passes its Argentina weapons embargo a month after president Peron took office in Argentina and resumed military trade with Germany something which under UN resolution 1 is forbidden the united states tried to warn Argentine not to trade by refusing to sell weapons but when Argentina ignore the warning the US has put the Argentina weapons embargo in effect which forbids the US from selling military hardware to them the embargo will be in effect and in the future the US will look if more sanctions are needed to force Argentina to halt trade to Germany ore central alliance nations.

April 7 Syria's independence from France is officially recognized by the French republic and the first agreement is made witch allows the French to station troops in the new country of Syria until 1950 ( the new Syrian government dos not want to get involved in the eastern war ore the Kurdish uprising which is going on in Turkey/Iraq and because the British who previous had troops in Syria are now being deployed in Iraq the Syrian government had no choice to ask the French to position troops in its country until its has a army to defend its self and the situation an its border are returned to normal ).

April 8 after hard street by street fighting the city of Taipei comes under the control of the US northern Force army and with this halve of Formosa is under US control ( the middle and several city’s on Formosa are still under Japanese control but with Taipei now captured the US northern Force army can focus on destroying the remaining Japanese pockets ).

April 9 Helldivers, Dauntless, Avengers, Corsairs , Super Corsair ,Bearcats and Hellcats based on taskforce 60 six fleet carriers and eight light carriers attack numerous targets on the Japanese home island suffering only minor losses to their planes as Japanese Ohka Suicide rockets and mini-subs try to sink the ships from the taskforce both are sunk ore shoot down before the can cause major damage to the taskforce ( the Japanese imperial navy operates the mini subs in groups trying to penetrated the US defense and to sink ore damaging US navy ships will the Imperial Japanese Army Air Service use Ohka and Tsurugi suicide planes but du to superior US radar and fighter coverage the kamikaze attacks are fruitless ).

April 11 The crisis in north Iraq turns much worst when several car and suicide bombs exploded in several city’s in north Iraq killing ore wounding more then a dozen British/ commonwealth soldiers and Iraqi civilians ( the attack was made by Kurdish fighters based out of Turkey , the German troops aiding the Turkish fighters are not aware that their weapons and training are use for these attacks nor do the have orders to widen the uprising as the Germans fear a possible reaction from the British who warned not to escalade the eastern war conflict in to Iraq ore Iran ).

April 12 Stalin flank by NVDK soldiers visit one of the massive assembly areas where the soviet union in total secrecy is massing their forces for the planed operation red force which will be the biggest operation sins the war began in 1941 for the soviet later he meets with several of his marshals and orders that operation red force begins on may 7.

April 13 The united states host a attempt to resolve the crisis between the soviet union and Iran begins when high ranking officials of both country’s meet in Washington DC to resolve the crisis ( the talks between the soviet union and Iran failed forcing the united states to intervene as both country’s have demands the other dos not want to comply with creating a situation in a region which is already tense du the eastern war and the situation in Iraq , the soviet union demands are that the Trans-Iranian Railway remains open for goods to be sent to the soviet union , the problem of the independent Republic of Mahabad is solved , the guarantee that Iran remains neutral in the conflict and to honor the Tri-Partite Treaty of Alliance with Britain and the Soviet Union signed in 1942, will Iran wants the soviets to leave as soon as possible ).

April 16 After many long hours and days of talks in Washington DC an agreement is made between the soviet union and Iran in which the two country’s agree that that the soviet union will withdraw from Iran after receiving a promise of oil concessions , the problem of the independent Republic of Mahabad is to be solved by the Iran in support of the united states who will send military advisors and equipment to aid them in this mission ( the soviet forces currently deployed in Iran will leave when the Iran begins its campaign against the IRM ).
The first massive bombing raid on a Manchukuo city begins when B-29s from the USAAF XX Bomber Command hit the city of Mukden before flying back to their bases in china ( the USAAF XX Bomber Command has begun shifting their attacks with the situation on Formosa now such that fighter and bomber planes can take of from the island giving the XX Bomber Command the possibility to shift their attacks as decided by the American–Chinese headquarters to attack targets much heavier then in the past in state of Manchukuo and Korea will also supporting the Chinese forces in their drive towards shanghai and Peking and their continuo siege on the Japanese hold cities of Hong Kong , Canton and Fort Bayard ).

April 16 The Kaiserliche Marine increase its patrols in the north sea du the high activity from soviet submarines patrolling the sea and which now is called the battle of the north sea which began after the sinking of the Zerstörer SMS 34 on December 6 1945 by soviet submarines who use the British territorial waters for protection and supplies much to the horror of the Germans who can do noting to strike at the soviet submarine tender laying in British waters then protesting diplomatic with out much results ( the battle of the north sea has forced the Netherlands , British ,Norwegians and Danish to move in convoys as the soviet could mistake them from Germans and to prevent action from the Germans side ).

April 17 In a ceremony the Regia Marina presents the RN Aquila which after more then vive years of buildings and delays is finally commissioned in the Regia Marina service becoming its first carrier ( the carrier can handle 60 naval version of the RE.2005 fighter , for more information about the RN Aquila check the Italian Royal Navy/ Regia Marina topic ).

April 18 With gun fights and bombing and massive riots now happening in across north Iraq British prime minster Churchill gives orders to the commander in Baghdad who is in charge of the British lead Commonwealth Iraqforce to use all means possible to aid Iraq in brining order to north Iraq , to prevent the situation from spilling over to Iran ore other countries , to allow any soviet ore Turkish ground ore air units to land and to be aided when in Iraq , to engage all hostile forces entering Iraq from the air ore by land but prime minster Churchill also orders not to escalate the eastern war by engaging German and Italian units ore air units fighting in Turkey.

April 19 Field marshal Rommel and his staff discuses the soviet buildup unaware the soviets are planning something big forcing field marshal Rommel to increase the entire eastern front in order to prevent the soviets from attempting something would attack, Field marshal Rommel also request more troops which are use for garrison duty’s in occupied Poland and Belarus and which he intends to replace with Slovak and the newly created Belarusian imperial interior force ( BIIF ) which is 25,000 strong and which falls under the control of German imperial army ( the Belarusian imperial interior force is created in order to allow German soldiers to be deployed on the eastern front and to help rebuilding Germany itself the BIIF is made op of Belarusian who have declared loyalty to the German Kaiser ).

April 20 The State of East Indonesia Republic ( SEIR ) consisting of the main island of Celebes and the Japanese control parts of Western New Guinea and smaller island still under Japanese control declares its independence from the Netherlands with its main administrative capital in Makassar Celebes , its is the successor to the Provisional Kalimantan Republic forces (PKR ) which was disbanded after the Dutch retook control over Borneo and has become part of the SEIR and which claims not only Borneo but also the Dutch held island of java and Sumatra as part of a great independent Indonesia ). April 21 Field marshal Rommel receive permission to deploy addition troop from occupied Belarus to the German-Belarus panther line in order to prepare for a possible soviet attack ( the Buh/Bismarck line is also quit after the failed soviet attempts to cross it ).

April 23 The second H0 229 V5 bomber raid on Moscow is done when 10 Hortens drop 20 500 kg (1,100 lb) bombs on the red square despite soviet AA being fired but non of the 10 Hortens is hit and all mange to land safely on a German airfield in occupied Poland ( the soviets have British made radar around Moscow and heavy air defense forces protecting the city ).

April 25 The German and the Dutch governments reach a deal in which the agree to trade the body of Kaiser Wilhelm III who is buried in the Netherlands for Dutch art stolen from the Dutch during the occupation and the hand over of some escaped persons wanted by the Dutch , this agreement which was don in total secrecy is despite the bad relationship between Germany and the Netherlands a little step in a new direction ( the agreement is for now still a secret as the Dutch government fears the backlash that can come out if it is revealed that the have secret negations with Germany who one year before had occupied their country ).

April 27 Admiral Canaris head of the KVS reads reports written by the Abwehr officers based in Turkish Kurdistan and begins to believe that his planed uprising is spinning out of control now the Kurdish uprising has spread into north Iraq and Iran but he now’s that the uprising is forcing the Turkish army to deploy troops in to the areas and away from the Turkish front and therefore believes that as long as the British don’t take action against Germany ore here central alliance the support and training will continuo ( the Germans have 400 paratroopers and Abwehr officers training the Kurdish soldiers in fighting the Turkish army as of April 1946 ).

April 28 The Regia Marina carrier RN Aquila leaves the naval base of La Spezia for its new training base in Taranto ( the Italian Navy High Command decided to move the carrier to Taranto as La Spezia is to close to the French republic and therefore the carrier will be based in Taranto where it begins its sea and carrier trails in the Adriatic sea ).

Sunday, August 12, 2007

Part 26 1946

February 3 Patton US northern Force army closes in to the Japanese hold city of Taipei on Formosa ( by now the Japanese Taipei garrison has use the time to prepare them self even if the city is under constant attack from the USAAF XX Bomber Command and TF-90 ).

February 7 German recon planes and ground surveillance begin noticing decrease activity on the German-soviet east front as the soviet continuo their build up for the planed red force operation .

February 8 The empire of Germany celebrates its first year as being a monarchy again with a large military parade in Berlin witch showcase the best Germany has it is also attended by several central alliance head of stats including president Laval of the SCR which is his first state visit sins becoming president of the SCR.

February 9 Doctor Wernher von Braun shows several high ranking officers of the German imperial army a muck up model of a large rocket, the rocket called the V-5 which will be the successor of the now produce V-4 rocket and can if build reach targets in as far Scotland in the UK and also is more reliably then the old V-2 rockets and the V-4 rockets currently in use.

February 10 The SMS Graf Zeppelin is officially commission by Princess Viktoria Luise of Prussia sister of Kaiser William the third after completing a four month sea trail the ship now will begin training handling fighter and bombers of it.
The German imperial high command fearing that the soviets are op to something du report from recon over the soviet territory and the fact it is quit on the border order the recon mission over soviet territory to increase in order to find out what the soviet are op to will also the begin to make plans incase their worst fear is realize.

February 14 Prime minster Churchill warns the German ambassador that the UK will not tolerant if the Kurdish uprising spread into Iraq and also warns that if this happens it will do everything it feels right to protect its interest in the region even going so fare to support the Turkish republic. The siege of Taipei begins when the US northern Force army reaches the first defense line outside the city.

February 19 The first FW-200T fighter plane take of from the SMS Graf Zeppelin as it begins its first officially patrol in the Baltic sea escorted by four destroyers ( the SMS Graf Zeppelin has 30 FW-200T fighter planes , 12 JU-87E dive/torpedo bombers and 6 Fl 282 helicopters on board ).
After two weeks of negations between Iran and the soviet union the talks stall du demands not being fulfilled by the two nations ( the soviet union refuse to leave Iran until the independent Republic of Mahabad problem is resolved and because the still don’t thrust the Iran government who the believe still is harboring pro German feelings will Iran wants the soviet army to leave as soon as possible ).

February 21 More British army divisions arrive in the Iraq city of Kirkuk and Irbil where the together with the small royal Iraq army will try to prevent the Kurdish uprising from spreading to Iraq ( the British already have garrison force in Mosul in order to protect the vital oil fields and other small garrison forces across Iraq .
A Luftwaffe Ar 234R reconnaissance jet is shoot down by soviet AA guns when it flew over a area where the soviet army is massing for the upcoming red force operation before the recon plane was shoot down it reported large amount of tanks and other activate in the area it flew over.
The first attempt of the US northern Force army to enter Taipei begins when a massive artillery barrage and US soldier protected by tanks and APC begin their advance on the Japanese hold city ( the Japanese have more then 90,000 soldiers and naval personal and many thousand of civilians who believe the have no other choice then to protect the city wile the US northern Force army is more then 300,000 strong and still growing).

February 23 Despite large number of troops available to the US northern Force army the fail to breach the defense line surrounding Taipei du the fanatic soldiers manning the trenches and fortifications causing large numbers of dead ore wounded on both sides.

February 24 Juan Peron becomes president of Argentina and tells on a radio broadcast that Argentina will seek friendship with united states and Germany and that Argentina will trade with both of them (president Peron knows that the UN has passed a resolution which forbids trade with Germany ore any central alliance member to take place but also now that du early military trade with Germany the united states now refuse to sell them weapons and therefore Argentina has no other choice to trade with Germany in order to remain a strong force in south America).
Stalin after hearing about German recon planes flying over the assembly areas tells is commanders that even with pictures the Germans can not figure out what the soviet army is planning and not to worry and that the build up for the biggest offensive in soviet history will continuo as progress ( Stalin dos not now the Germans already are beginning to get worry du the low activity on the German-soviet border and the pictures the receive are beginning to get them more worried as the don’t now if the can stop a massive offensive of this size ).

February 25 The Chief of Staff of the United States Army advices the president to postpone the invasion of Japan which was planed in march for the time being as the Formosa campaign requires more and more troops and the US army nor navy are yet on full strength to prepare their invasion instead he suggest the USAAF to continuo their massive bombing and to begin with dropping new A-bombs on Japanese city’s after the last was drop in august and to focus on freeing the Chinese mainland before attempting a invasion of the Japanese home islands and to tighten the blockade of the Japanese home islands.
Two days after the failed attempt by the US northern Force army to get thru the defense line surrounding the city general Patton request for a massive bomber raid on the city in order to soften up its defense and to undermined the will of the people in side.

February 27 The republic of Portugal declares war on the empire of Japan after several attempts of getting the now besieged Portuguese colony of macu back ( the declaration of war is mostly symbolic but shows that Portugal is heading funder towards a pro British/American position manly du Spain membership in the central alliance ).

March 2 With the situation still problematic in Iran British troops under Tehran Conference agreement begin to leave will the soviet armed forces present in the country still refuse despite attempt by both the British and the untied states to resolved the matter ( the united states has offered to send equipment and military advisors in order to help Iran fight the independent Republic of Mahabad and to keep its neutrality in the soviet-central alliance war/Eastern war.

March 4 Field marshal Rommel is made commander of all German and central alliance force on the east front and is ordered by the German high command to ready German forces for the upcoming soviet offensive they believe that will happen soon.

March 6 In order to normalize the situation the French republic signs a agreement with Ho Chi Minh which recognizes Vietnam as an autonomous state in the Indochinese Federation and the French Union ( this has bin don as the Viet Minh who after the October revolution went to the countryside still remain a force to be recon with and therefore the French republic believes that singing this agreement will keep French Indochina French ).

March 7 Under a agreement the royal Dutch army air service hands over the first of their Vickers Wellington bombers back to the RAF and also begins disbanding the two Vickers Wellington squadron the 540 and 541 their job will be handle in the future by former B-25 of the Royal Netherlands East Indies Army Air Force witch du the Dutch indies mostly under control of the Netherlands can be put in to service in defending the home country.

March 9 Outside a RAF base Mosul a large bomb explodes killing more then 30 British soldiers and Iraqi civilians are killed ore wounded ( RAF base Mosul is mostly use for recon mission over the north Iraq in order to watch if Kurdish fighter in turkey do not cross into Iraq ).

March 10 A B-29S of the 509th Composite Group drops a 20 kiloton A-bomb on the Japanese city of Kawasaki killing more then 23,000 people.

March 11 More then 300 B-29 bombers of the USSAF XX Bomber Command raid the city of Taipei in leveling the besieged city and causing massive losses in lives.

March 14 Using information gather by British army intelligence several house are raided by British soldiers back by tanks in one raid a fire fight brake out killing and wounding a dozen British soldiers and bystanders who where looking by the British in one house find several German and Italian made weapons proving that the RAF Mosul bombing is connected with the Kurdish uprising in turkey.

March 17 The first bombing campaign on Moscow sins the Germans where push back out of it in 1942 by 12 Ho229 V5 Moscow bombers will the damage by them is not severe it still startles the soviet as the did not believe Germany could hit Moscow ( the Germans now have 24 Ho229 V5 Moscow bombers in service and 24 more on order ).
A Second air raid by a force of 150 B-29 against Taipei begins when the drop Incendiary bombs in order to set the city on fire and to destroy what left of the city.

March 16 With the Germans having commissioned their first carrier the SMS Graf Zeppelin Mussolini prime minister of Italy orders his admirals to finish the aircraft carrier RN Aquila before the year is don as he want to show the world that Italy can and is still a powerful nation ( the Regia Marina has three carrier under construction the first is the RN Aquila which construction was halted during the war and witch work began in middle of 1945 , the RN Alcon formerly the RN Impero a ship of the Littorio battleship type which will be converted as a carrier and the RN corvine a totally new to be build carrier ).

March 19 A large group of protester in the city of Mosul go on the street protesting the British presence in the city and the raid the conducted several days ago the peaceful demonstration turns violent after several Iraq army soldiers already under nerve fire on some protesters after the refuse to stop at a checkpoint in the city ( the royal Iraq army is only 10,000 strong as the British still have large forces in Iraq mostly in north Iraq which falls under the British control with the royal Iraq army being in the middle and south of Iraq but some Iraq units also are percent in the north ).
With two massive air raids over the US northern Force army attempts for the second time to breach the defensive line outside the now destroyed city of Taipei whit a massive charge finally makes progress as the Japanese defenders are hit not only from the ground but naval support of taskforce 30 witch replaced TF-90 and has more then 12 carriers several battleships , cruiser and many destroyers firing on Japanese positions.

March 20 The 7th A-bomb is drop on the Japanese city of Osaka by a B-29S the A- bomb of 22 kiloton kills more then 30,000 people mostly workers who had remain in the city to keep the war machine going.

March 23 Riots have broken out in north Iraq after a several incidents between Kurdish natives living in the north and British and Iraqis army units.
The first sign the Japanese defenders of Taipei are loosing is when the Americans manage to break to one of the line and enter the outskirts of the city itself where manly Japanese troop are hiding in the rubble waiting to cause as much destruction to the US northern Force army soldiers.

March 28 The royal Dutch navy commissions its first navy ship build sins the return of the Dutch government when the Dutch K-class sloop Piet Hein is commission the name Piet Hein was used by a Admiralen-class destroyers which was Sunk by Japanese Destroyers during the Battle of Badung Strait on February 19 1942 , the HNLMS Piet Hein will join the Dutch navy in the Netherlands.

March 27 In total secrecy the German government begin negations between them and the Dutch government in order to get the body of the former Kaiser Wilhelm II back ( the negations happen in the Dutch Representative Office in Berlin and involves several high ranking Dutch citizens who want Dutch art back witch the Germans took when the occupied their country wile the Germans with the restoration of the German monarchy want the body of the former Kaiser Wilhelm and father of current Kaiser Wilhelm III who is buried in the Netherlands to return to Germany the negations are don in secrecy as the Dutch now that the hate against the Germans is still strong in the Netherlands ).

March 29 With riots now broken out all across north Iraq and a Kurdish uprising in turkey British prime minster Churchill orders the British army in Iraq to stop the unrest before it becomes a full blown uprising something he dos not want to happen , prime minster Churchill also warn the German ambassador that evidence was found of German made weapons which found in Mosul and witch is also one of the reason why riots in north Iraq have broke out the German ambassador tells that German weapons are sold on the black market and that no prove of direct German involvement in the riots ore the Mosul bombing are found and that Germany is has the right to help the Kurds in Turkey fight agianst oppression. The US northern Force army finally manages to battle itself to the city itself with street to street fighting between American and Japanese forces.

March 30 On the plains of the soviet union the last preparations for operation red force are done as more man , tanks and artillery ever assemble in the history of the soviet union begin their last preparations for the librations of Europe form Germany and here allies .

Tuesday, August 7, 2007

Part 25 1946

January 1 With a new year arrived General Dwight Eisenhower commander of the AFEMT is honored by the Dutch queen Wilhelmina when he receive the Order of the Dutch Lion in the Dutch capitol of den Hague ( General Eisenhower has visit den Hague in order to disuse matters related to the defense of the free European country’s with Field Marshal Bernard Montgomery commander of the British Army of the Benelux ( BATB ) and who is also the deputy Commander of the AFEMT , for more information about the AFEMT go to the Allied Force European mainland Theatre topic ).

January 3 Chinese forces surrounding the city of Fort Bayard in China begin a massive charge against he Japanese defenders who by sheer luck manage to repulse the charge against heavy lose of the Chinese forces after this a decisions is made by the American–Chinese headquarters to starve and bomb out the Japanese who are hold up in the city’s of Hong Kong , Canton and Fort Bayard and to concerted on a new offensive against the Japanese in shanghai , Hainan and to increase the bombing against the Japanese puppet state of Manchukuo and the Japanese province of Korea ( the Japanese imperial army holding Hainan are sins the invasion of Formosa and the Chinese offence of the three city totally cut of and are in a weak but still dangerous stat will the Japanese army in shanghai have used its inhabitants to create a line protecting its city , the Japanese puppet state of Manchukuo still has large Japanese forces will it is under attack by the USAAF daily mostly all attention is going to the Japanese home island but with the new decision by the American–Chinese headquarters the state of Manchukuo and Korea will receive as much attention of the USAAF in the future as well ).

January 7 General Patton US northern Force army reaches the outskirts of the city Suao which he has to clear before continuing his advance towards Taipei to do this he use his M26 Pershing tanks of witch he brought some 100 with him after he transferred from his position as the commander of the fourth US Europe force corps (general Patton brought 100 M26 Pershing tanks with him is that the tank never saw action against the Germans du the peace was sign before any could be ship over , the Pershing tanks may be overkill but its is its first combat test sins it was build and general Patton believes that any battle the tank is in will help it to become a better tank if it ever has to face the German panzers , after a month of fighting the death and wounded of the US forces battling on Formosa and of the naval taskforce assisting it has reach the 10,000 mark with more then 400,000 soldiers , marines and sailors beginning to face a determine enemy bent on slowing their advance of capturing the island ).

January 9 A British merchant ship hits a mine near the soviet port of Murmansk but manages to enter the port with a gaping hole in its side , the same day the British government warns Germany it will not tolerate any mines being laid near the soviet ports of Murmansk and Archangel ( later prime minster Churchill orders the royal navy to reinstate the convoy system witch was disbanded after the Zurich peace was sign for ships heading to and from soviet ports on the Barents sea , the Germans have begun laying mines near the ports to keep the soviet navy tide up and to prevent merchant ship from entering toss ports ).

January 10 With the help of heavy air and artillery barrage general Patton order his infantry back by Sherman’s , perishing tanks and other vehicles to enter the bow ruined town of Suao which has a small but wheal dug in Japanese garrison.

January 11 Charles de Gaulle resigns as a head of the French provisional government but tells the provisional government that the most be united against the treat from the east and stand firm in their demands that Corsica returns to the French republic (Charles de Gaulle resigned on the same things that he did in OTL but unlike OTL , the French republic still dos not recognize the Corsica social republic and Charles de Gaulle warns that with him not the head of the French provisional government anymore the new government most recognize and stand firm in their demands that Corsica returns as a province of the French republic ).

January 12 All over the soviet union new tanks , artillery and airplanes begin to gather at staging points as the soviet begin to prepare fro the upcoming operation red force ( the soviet deploy their newest tanks like the T-44/22 and the newest of the IS class tank the IS-4 of which the soviet army has several regiments of , the soviets also are setting up two new bomber regiments which are to bomb the German frontline and strategic places before the offensive begins , in order to prevent German reconnaissance to detect the staging areas the NKVD guards them and has orders to shoot anybody who dos not have the right clearance to enter to prevent possible German spies from transmitting what is happening ).

January 13 In the French colony of Indochina the French Indochina Expeditionary Corps ( FIEC ) defeats the last Việt Minh troops in the city’s ( after losing the Việt Minh troops redraw themselves to the countryside to begin a guerrilla war against the French and to rearm and to increase their followers fore a future offensive witch the hope has better success in beating the French will also trying to seek support of the soviet union who as for now only supply’s the Việt Minh with few weapons du the war the are still fighting against the central alliance ).

January 14 The first Nakajima Kikka 2B jet squadron is activated with it the Imperial Japanese Army Air Service has a force of 100 Kikka jets of both the old 1A and the new 2B version in service who now daily battle the USAAF B-29 bombing the Japanese home islands ( the Kikka 2B jet is now the most modern jet in Japanese service but du to the resource extremely limit the few Kikka build are use only fore city defense wile the Shinden , Mitsubishi J8M interceptors and other fighters and who are available in large numbers protect and battle the USAAF are the primary fighters who try to stem the bombing campaign ).

January 15 Luftwaffe Ar-234R reconnaissance jets flying over turkey spot the first sign of movement by the Turkish army as it send more troops to east Turkey where a Kurdish uprising has begun to form ( both the Germans and Italians continuo to increase their support of the Kurds wile also trying to attack and to prevent the soviet from launching another raid against Rhodes as the first new Regia Aeronautica fighter sqodron has arrived to increase the defense of the island wile the Germans have agreed to supply the Italians with some Wasserfall surface-to-air missile to protect the island from any future soviet air attack , the Wasserfall , Rheintochter and the short range Rheinbote rocket witch now are produce in large amount of numbers to be deployed for the first time outside Germany who mainly deploys them on the border of the low country’s and France as the Germans deploy their majority of fighters on the east front ).

January 17 Another town is freed from the Japanese when the Americans now are faced with the fact that al towns and city on Formosa and witch are in the path to Taipei have to be taken in order to prevent any Japanese forces from operating behind the Americans forces ( because the Japanese have to dig themselves in and despite air attacks from the USAAF XX Bomber Command and planes from TF-90 the Japanese prevent the northern Force army from moving fast as the are force to clear the towns of Japanese which also is increasing the number of death as the Japanese imperial army has learn from the campaigns on Iwo Jima and Okinawa on how to slow and to maximize the casualties to the Americans ).The UN Security Council holds its first session in Church House, in London with the first resolution called resolution 1 passed by al the five permanent members (Republic of China, French Republic , USSR , Great Britain and the United States of America ) in witch the agree not to trade with any of the central alliance nations , that the CA nations can become members of the UN when the have made peace with the soviet union , republic of Turkey and the finish democratic republic , and have returned all of their territories including Poland and Yugoslavia too their respectful owners.

January 18 The German foreign minister calls the UN Security Council first resolution a attempt to salience Germany and here allies in the struggle against communisms and that the demands of resolution 1 are far to heavy and will therefore be ignored. The Royal Netherlands East Indies Army ( KNIL ) takes over full control of the Dutch Borneo with the Provisional Kalimantan Republic forces (PKRF ) being defeated by a joint Dutch/Australian armed forces ( the Australian will take over control over the British colony until being replace with British forces will the KNIL resumes its control over the Dutch colony on Borneo will trying to prevent the PKRF from resuming its uprising , Dutch Java and Sumatra are for now still calm as the Dutch never left and therefore prevented a uprising to take place the smaller island which the PKRF took over from the Japanese still in charge are also going to be invaded by the Dutch in order to restore the full Dutch control over the Dutch indies ).

January 19 The first complaint heard by the United Nations Security Council is made by Iran and directed against the Soviet Union. In which Iran alleged Soviet interference in its internal affairs and the refusal to remove Soviet troops from Iranian territory ( the soviet union still has troops in Iran and refuse to move them as Iran is still a important supply line for the Soviets and fears with the Kurdish uprising that it could spread to the soviet union ).

January 20 Charles De Gaulle resigns as president of the French provisional government and in a speech on the radio he address the people of the republic that the French republic stands united with its free European neighbors against the powers of evil and warns the so call Corsica social republic that whit him not leading France anymore it will not mean the republic will lay don its claim on the island nor will it ever recognize it as a independent country ( the evil he refuse to is Germany and all here central alliance members ).

January 21 The battle for Formosa continuous as general Patton request A-bombs to be drop on the towns near the route he is taken towards Taipei.

January 22 Admiral Chester W Nimitz commander of Central Pacific Area of witch the island of Formosa is part of tells general Patton that after speaking with president Truman the request for the use of more A-bombs on Formosa to assist the northern Force army in their advance towards Taipei is denied as he believes that the bombs are to valuable to be use on towns alone who have no strategic value and tells general Patton to do it the old fashion way.Qazi Muhammad declares the independent Republic of Mahabad ( this event has happen as the central alliance is increasing its aid to the Kurdish rebels in their fight against the Turkish forces and therefore he believes that his republic has a change to be recognize and receive aid as the Kurdish are getting it , In OTL the Republic of Mahabad was founded in northwestern Iran and was destroyed as the result of the cold war between the soviet and Americans as the USSR and the USA are still friends of sort and the Germans are backing the Kurds in turkey the independent Republic of Mahabad only worries is Iran ).

January 27 llan a town on Formosa is captured by the US northern Force army wile the south Force which is moving toward the city of shihtiping is bug down du Japanese resistance ( as for now both US army move along the coast leaving Japanese pockets in land for the time being ).

January 28 The German government recognize the independent Republic of Mahabad and begins to plan to send aid to them as wheal as to increase supply’s to the Kurdish rebels in turkey as the result of the uprising is forcing both the Turkish and the soviet forces to divert soldiers present at the Turkish front to east turkey in order to combat the rebels plus with the new independent Republic of Mahabad having declared their independence it increase the forces who are fighting against the soviet union and their allies ).

January 29 The royal Dutch navy creates the Dutch Pacific Squadron under command of Vice Admiral Helfrich and witch will become part of the US navy taskforce 60 where the will join the French FEF ( with the situation on Borneo under control and the war in the pacific shifted to several places and the planed US invasion of Japan still standing to begin on march 1946 the DPS is only small having one cruiser which is Vice Admiral Helfrich flagship , one destroyer , one river class frigate and one under him , admiral doorman remains the commander of the royal Dutch navy in the Dutch indies and now is begins to make plans for invasion of several smaller islands under control of the PKRF ore Japanese forces ).

January 30 With the situation in east Turkey escalating and afraid it can spill over to Iraq prime minster Churchill orders British and commonwealth troops to be sent to the border region of Iraq/Turkey and to prevent the Kurds present in Iraq from joining the uprising in Turkey.

January 31 The UN Security Council votes to allow Iran and the Soviet Union to settle their dispute by direct negotiation where the will find a solution to the problem concerning soviet troops being present in Iran ( the soviet union now tells the other members of the Security Council that its is correct in not leaving Iran as the independent Republic of Mahabad has declared their independence and is receiving aid from the central alliance and that the struggle witch it is fighting against the Germans is spreading and therefore it needs to protect its interest plus the soviet union fears that if it leaves Iran it will side with Germany as the Shah of Iran Reza Shah Pahlavi is known to harbor pro-German sympathies ).