Saturday, January 7, 2012



January 6th
A greater east Asia alliance conference is held in Phnom Penh , kingdom of Cambodia , and is attended by all greater east Asia alliance nations.

January 9th
A Japanese ferryboat sinks off Pusan , Japanese Korea , killing 249 people onboard after the ferry suffers a mysterious explosion and sinks as a result , it is latter determined to be a attack by the Korean liberation army which is backed unofficially by the Soviet Union.

January 14th
The CIA-sponsored Robertson panel meets to discuss the UFO phenomenon in and around the United States.

January 19th
After four consecutive days of formal meetings , the Robertson panel write their report in which it states that 90 percent of UFO sightings can be identified as meteorological, astronomical, or natural phenomena’s, wile the remaining 10 percent of UFO reports can in all likelihood, be similarly explained with detailed study (1).

January 31st
More then 307 people are killed in the in the United Kingdom after a storm tide coming from the North Sea damages 1,600 km of coastline , in the Netherlands despite the preparations of the Netherlands government , more then 185 people are killed when the North Sea storm tide crashes in to the Netherlands flood defense system (2).

February 3rd
Construction of the first of four to build Van Speijk class frigates (3) for the royal Netherlands navy at the Amsterdamsche Droogdok Maatschappij begins.

February 12th
Limit mining at the asteroid belt begins as KNRS ER-1 and KNRS ER-2 using their tractor beams begin towing small asteroids towards Mars where the are to be processed , KNRS ER-3 which is much larger then KNRS ER-1 and 2 is not assigned to the mining as it is going to install a small unmanned communication and observation station at Pluto.

February 20th
Orbiting the planet Pluto , KNRS ER-3 , beams for the first time space force members warring EV suits to the surface of Pluto , where the are to prepare a site for the deployment of the Pluto communication and observation station.

February 22nd
After two days of hard work the Pluto communication and observation station has bin fully assembled and is activated , also rock samples have bin gathered who are sent to Moon base Eisinga (4).

March 5th
Josef Stalin, Soviet leader , dies at age 73.

April 1st
Jan van Baal becomes governor-general of the Netherlands East Indies.

April 17th
At New Fijenoord-Rotterdamsche space yard orbiting Mars , construction of the first Wolf class scout vessel (5) for the royal Netherlands space force begins , whit the first of its class to be completed before 1955.

May 3rd
The royal Netherlands air force orders whit Fokker , ten preproduction D-24 tornado M.1 jet fighters to be used for testing , this brings the total of Fokker D-24 tornado M.1 jet fighters to twelve , all service whit the 130th evaluation squadron based at Woensdrecht air base , home to the royal Netherlands air force testing & training center.

May 20th
The royal democratic party , becomes the largest party in the Netherlands house of representatives for the fifth time , and whit it Willem Drees can begin his second term as prime minister of the Netherlands.

June 7th
The office of the royal Netherlands navy special operations in Den Helder which is the cover for the headquarters of the royal Netherlands space force is closed and move to a new secured complex inside the Netherlands space centre Guyana near the town of Kajana.

July 5th
The European Economic Community holds its first assembly in Strasbourg, France.

July 27th
The CIA disbands the flying arrows , ore officially known as the 2nd American Volunteer Group , who where part of the United Republic of China air force , after two years of training and assisting the United Republic of China air force , during its two year time the flying arrows had several encounters whit the Imperial Japanese army air service and the smaller republic of China-Nanking air force (6) , which all ended whit out a shot being fired.

Augustus 8th
New Soviet prime minister Georgi Malenkov announces that the Soviet Union has a hydrogen bomb.

Augustus 29th
The Soviet Union explodes its first hydrogen bomb

September 5th
The United Nations rejects the Soviet Union's suggestion to accept the second East Turkestan republic as a member.

October 15th
After serving for more then 28 years , the Java class cruiser HNLMS Java (7) , who is deployed whit the royal Netherlands navy east Indies squadron as a training cruiser is decommissioned , white here role being taken over by the cruiser HNLMS De Ruyter.

November 20th
Construction of Utopia Planitia space yard begins above Mars , this 300 meter long space yard is the second largest object which the royal Netherlands space force has constructed sins its foundation in 1935 , the Utopia Planitia space yard is also the first to be build whit materials produced of world.

(1) the Robertson panel report has nothing in its about anything related to the Netherlands as it has found no evidences that the Netherlands is involved in the UFO sightings , as the Robertson panel report focused most on sightings in and near the United States and not world wide.

(2) the Van Speijk class frigates are meant to replace four Admiralen class destroyers , and are heavily based on the future Van Speijk class frigates who where in service whit the royal Netherlands navy in a other timeline..

(3) the Netherlands flood defense system was build using the information from the future , and consist of series of dams, sluices, locks, dikes, and storm surge barriers built between 1940 and 1950.

(4) Moon base Eisinga is a main research centre for the royal Netherlands space force , however more and more if its task are taken over by Mars base Hellas and Mars base Utopia Planitia , as the royal Netherlands space force is moving more of its of world base operations and functions to the two Mars bases , wile shirking Moon base Eisinga and New Amsterdam moon base.

(5) the Wolf Class scout vessel is 50 meter long , fly’s a maximum of warp six , is the first Netherlands build starships to have shields , has a crew of 14 of which only the captain and first officer have their own quarters , two phase banks and one torpedo bank carrying 24 Mark-1 spatial torpedo’s , has transport and tractor beams all cramped in to a vessel which is designed to go very far, very fast and be able to defend it self.

(6) the republic of China-Nanking air force is the official air arm for the republic of China-Nanking which is the puppet country put in place by the Japanese empire in 1940.

(7) whit the decommission of HNLMS Java , only one Java class cruiser is in service whit the royal Netherlands navy and that is helicopter cruiser HNLMS Sumatra , who will be decommission as soon as the first of the two Celebes class cruisers is completed.