Monday, October 8, 2007

Part 28 1946

May 2 The French 1st Foreign Regiment debarks from a transport ship in the Syrian Port of Lattakia where the under a agreement signed between the French republic and the republic of Syria will assist in the patrolling of the Syrian border and help in training the Syrian army ( the French 1st Foreign Regiment is the first French army regiment to enter the now independent republic of Syria sins the French left the country under British pressure in 1945 their main task is to help protecting the Syrian/Turkish border will also helping in training the Syrian army , the British du the Kurdish uprising in Iraq have accepted that Syria falls under French influence but also warn that the French republic must respect Syrian newly given independence ore else it will intervene as it dos not want the region destabilize any furder).

May 3 The Kurdish uprising in north Iraq has turned in to a war between the Iraqforce versus the Kurdish rebels wile in east Turkey the Kurdish rebels and their German help have force the Turkish/soviet armed forces to deploy more troops to east Turkey ( the soviet have send more troops to aid them and have increase the Kurdish deportations to camps in the soviet union will also helping the Turks in setting camps up in Turkey itself ).

May 5 Kommandant Ost Field marshal Rommel in his German eastern command headquarters receive more disturbing reports of the soviet being up to something from reports from Luftwaffe recon missions over soviet territory and the fact that the front line is to quit with exception from artillery barrages and the occasion tank and infantry attacks the soviet al across the entire eastern front have bin quit for a while something that butters him very much ( Field marshal Rommel has not bin idle and has use the time sins he became Commander of All German Forces in the East to increase the defenses and the strength of German and central alliance forces under his command ).

May 6 The carrier RN Aquila arrives in its new home of Taranto where it will be deployed from for its sea and carrier trails (Prime Minister Mussolini has already ordered that the first combat mission of the RN Aquila must be don before 1947 and if nesacary before the German use the their carrier the SMS Graf zeppelin in order to show the world and its fellow central alliance members that Italy has is again a force to be reckon with ).
After more then four months being besieged the Japanese imperial garrison of Fort Bayard is destroyed and the city is captured by the combined forces of Nationalist and Communist Chinese forces leaving only Canton , Hong Kong and Hainan under Japanese control in the south Chinese theater and controlling a coast area from shanghai up to Beijing ( Hong Kong which is also under siege for more then four months is still holding on despite several attempts of the combined Chinese army besieging it and daily USAAF XX Bomber Command bombers raids attacking the Japanese garrison ).

May 7 In the early morning the 1st , 2nd and 3rd Belorussian Fronts begin their massive attacks against the German Belarus panther line wile the 1st , 2nd , 3rd and 4th Ukrainian Fronts begin their attack on the German Bismarck/ Buh River line.

May 8 Despite having warning of the soviet build up the Germans are still surprise at the shear offensive the soviet have started as in the first 24 hours of operation red force the three Belorussian Fronts have managed to brake the German Belarus panther line in several places wile the 2nd and 3rd Ukrainian Fronts have already reach the leveled out city of Kiev.

May 9 Operation red force continuous s as the 2nd Ukrainian Front artillery begins to rain on the German garrison holding the city of Kiev and the massive push of the 1st , 2nd and 3rd Belorussian Fronts seems to push the Germans defenders in some places away from their former positions will in the German eastern command headquarters desperate attempts are made to think of counter moves before a total destruction of the German forces in the east happens. May 10 After three days the soviets begin to notice that despite having amassed the largest army ever seen the battle is not over as Luftwaffe fighters battle their soviet counterparts for control of the skies as Panzer IV/ X , Panther , Tiger I and II tanks dual against T-34 and IS tanks wile German panzer grenadiers and soviet infantry in some places fight hand to hand.
The iraqforce commander from his Bagdad headquarters begins using his new power which under order 18 from prime minster Churchill are given to him as he orders the SAS to begin small raids against the Kurdish in north Iraq and Turkey will increasing the attempts to prevent weapons to be smuggled over to the Kurdish forces in north Iraq and to created order in the city’s ( order 18 allows the commander of the Iraqforce to use all means possible to aid Iraq in brining order to north Iraq , to prevent the situation from spilling over to Iran ore other countries , to allow any soviet ore Turkish ground ore air units to land and to be aided when in Iraq , to engage all hostile forces entering Iraq from the air ore by land , the order was sign on April 18 1946 by prime minster Churchill and is to restore law and order to the kingdom of Iraq will not trying to escalated the eastern war ).

May 11 Kiev is slowly surrounded with more then 100,000+ German troops trapped but who are still fighting from well defended positions causing the 2nd Ukrainian Front surrounding the city to suffer heavily ( the Germans under field marshal Rommel had time to prepare their defenses and with the information gathered where already in a high state of readiness ).
A major military offensive against the Japanese/RIT controlled island of Ambon begins when more then 3000 royal Dutch marines land to take back the island and to use the island for future operations against other Japanese/RIT Dutch East Indies controlled islands ( this is a attempt by the Dutch government in Den Hague to recapture all of the still occupied Dutch East Indies and to defeated the Japanese imperial army and pro Japanese Republic of East Indonesia/Republik Indonesia Timur ( RIT ) forces holding those islands ).

May 12 The battle for the skies over the eastern front heats up with the soviets having amassed more then 4 to 1 in ratio in fighters , but the Germans have their one secret weapons in several well strategy placed AA rocket batteries who together with the well trained Luftwaffe pilots begin to take the soviet number and surprise out of the equation ( the soviet still use prop fighter will the Germans use the modern ME-262 , DO-335C heavy fighter and FW-250 fighter types will also having new AA rockets placed in strategic locations to intercept the soviet air forces fighters ).
A day after the Ambon campaign has started the royal Dutch navy and Royal Australian Navy begin their support mission of the 3000 Dutch marines in shelling Japanese/RIT coastal positions on the island (the RIT forces and Japanese imperial army have a 1,300 strong force present on the island, the Celebes/Maluku/Lesser and Sunda Islands and parts of Dutch/Australian new guinea are still under control of the Japanese /RIT forces but are isolated du allied navy and air power 0preventing them from getting supply’s) .

May 13 Wile the soviet 2nd Ukrainian Front still tries to destroy the Germans defending Kiev in the eastern command headquarters Field marshal Rommel counter orders begin to show some results with German forces managing to slow the soviet onslaught in several places of the battle field , with the battle fore Belarus despite the three Belorussian Fronts massive numbers begins to slow down as with each day that passes the Germans begin to gain more and more control over the skies and in some places where the soviet air force is no longer present to attack the soviet advance in a desperate attempt to buy time ( the soviet air force has massed in large numbers causing some areas of the battle field to have no ore limit air cover something the Germans are using to full effect forcing the soviet to spread their air force ).

May 14 General Patton is made military governor of the former Japanese island of Formosa as the US forces which are still battling have now got more then 70 % of the island under control , during the four month Formosa campaign the Americans suffered 36,726 dead or missing and more then 104,540 wounded will the Japanese imperial army suffered more then 130,000 dead and missing and more then 42,000 wounded with still 60,000 Japanese soldiers resistance with hit and run actions and suicide attacks against the American forces present on the island ( General Patton was made military governor in order to keep him away from Europe where he before was a commander of a US Europe force corps and as far as possible from Germany will also keeping him in a place where he can no longer be a critic of the Truman administration which he considers weak for heaving signed the Zurich peace deal , General Patton main goal as military governor is to get full control over the island , to restore order and to keep the Chinese Nationalist and Communist from taking control over Formosa of which both claim as theirs is resolved ).
Stalin who was briefed by defense minister Marshal Smyon Timoshenko orders that the soviet troops must fight harder ore else are to be punish du the results of operation red force not going the way Stalin wants , latter Marshal Semyon Timoshenko tells a fellow marshal that the Stalin is no longer has the best interest for the country and that Germany and the central alliance can not be as easily defeated as the toughed ( more and more marshals begin to rallies that the Great Patriotic War can not be won despite the number of troops fighting as the Germans and here CA allies are united in their fight to stop the soviet union and the soviet union has no longer the friends and the support it once hade to help them in their struggle which no has enter its 5th year ).

May 15 With operation red force going on in the east front the soviet 1st Turkish front and the Turkish army launches several attempts to cross the Bosporus strait and to recapture the Bulgarian occupied city of Istanbul but all attempts fail du strong resistance of the Istanbul defenders preventing the soviet and Turks from getting a beach head ( this is the first major action the Turks and soviet have done after the recaptured everything up to the Bosporus and Dardanelles strait leaving only the Marmara Region in Bulgarian and central alliance control but the attacks failed du the Turkish army having to deploy more then 200,000 troops in order to battle the Kurdish in east Turkey and with the Turkish front du operation red force not having a high priority ).

May 16 The 1st and 2nd Belorussian Fronts are losing more tanks and soldiers than the can replace despite inflicting heavy loses to the Germans with only having managed to greater a gap in the Belarus panther line which is 200 miles long and 60 miles deep will the 3rd Belorussian Front has joined the 2nd Ukrainian Front in their siege of Kiev.
Despite daily B-29 bomber raids and the starvation that has hit the Japanese home islands the Japanese people still carry on with their daily lives will outside Tokyo in a newly constructed bunker the Supreme War Council under leadership from prime minster yamamoto still believes that the Americans will accept a partial surrender and allow the Japanese empire to keep the territory its still controls ( the Japanese have now several new weapons in use in which the try desperately to turn the tide will US bombers from their bases in Marianas and Okinawa islands continuo their daily attacks on city’s and other targets in great numbers and raiding with their naval taskforce on Japanese coastal targets plus with the Americans now also focusing their attention to the Japanese puppet state of Manchuria the Japanese know that time is running out but still the believe that the united states will accepted a peace deal like the did with Germany ).

May 17 Commanders of the soviet forces receive new orders written by Stalin in which he demands that if no major victory is secured in the next 48 hours people will be arrested for failing to achieve their goals , hearing this several division front commanders and even several high ranking military officers feel that Stalin has no longer the best intensions for the soviet union in mind (a increasing group of high ranking military officers have kept quit even with the several times Stalin had arrested soldiers and officers he felt where not op to their job this time the believe he has gone to far as operation red force is only 10 days old and result are can still come as the believe the Germans can not hold out against the large number of soviet troops for long ).

May 19 The siege of Kiev by the 2nd Ukrainian Front continuous as the German defenders continue to hold out despite supplies that are now dwindling will attempts by the Luftwaffe and German army to supply them only help a little bit.
With Stalin new orders clear in their heads many soviet officers try to spore their troops on in a attempts to save them self knowing that the battle is not going fast enough to please Stalin.

May 20 NKVD security forces begin to carry out Stalin orders as the arrest more then 80,000 soldiers of the Ukrainian and Belorussian Fronts and their families are arrested with the charge of being traitors of the Homeland and allowing the fascist to stall the soviet union in their rightful quest to liberate Europe from oppression ( Stalin still considers the Germans fascist despite having overthrown Hitler in a coup and dos not want to listen to any reason to make peace with the empire of Germany ).

May 21 24 hours after the beginning of the may 20 purge the marshals who where in contact with each other before the Stalin orders came in decide enough is enough and begin in communicating with each other and to look how many other soviet army commanders and their divisions will join them in a possible action against Stalin ( the marshals where in contact with each other and number about four high ranking members of the soviet army who feel that Stalin is throwing lives away end is no longer in control of the soviet state ).

May 22 The battle of the east front still continuous with German forces almost exhausted from trying to slow the massive soviet fronts will soviets have almost lost their air advantage over the battle field which gives the German Luftwaffe the power to hit the soviet ground forces. Under the Treaty of London ( same treaty as in OTL ) the Kingdom of Transjordan is founded and also becomes a member of the united nations ( unlike OTL where the membership in the United Nations was vetoed by the soviet union here in the DDW timeline the members of the UN accepted the request as the soviet union du the east war dos not want to upset the UK as it still receive together with the united states lend lease witch has bin expended to run until 1947 ).

May 24 Several marshals and other high ranking soviet military and political figures gather for their most importing meeting ever outside Moscow and guarded by loyal soldiers to prevent the NVDK from getting wind of this important meeting which will decide the actions the will take.

May 25 The city of Canton becomes the second Chinese city to fall in a short order as the combined Chinese army defeats the Japanese garrison holding the city , later the Chinese and US army Detachment 202 of the Central Intelligence Group discover the ruins of a Japanese secret military medical unit which had its headquarters in Canton ( the secret military medical unit is latter to be expose as Unit 8604 which conducted biological warfare and human experiments but no person ore important records are found as the where evacuated by submarines during the four months siege , the Central Intelligence Group has replaced the OSS main united states intelligence agency with military and civilian Branches ).

May 27 In Iran the Imperial Iranian Army is preparing with the help of some American advisers to retake the territory the independent Republic of Mahabad has taken as under the agreement Iran and the soviet made in Washington D.C. a month ago ( the Imperial Iranian Army will not as strong as the where before the Anglo-Soviet invasion of Iran 5 years ago knows that the retaking the IRM hold territory is the only way to get the soviet union to leave their country as agreed and with the help from the united states who already has begon to show interest in the Iranian oil fields has promise to aid Iran in retaking IRM hold territory , the IRM is only recognize by some central alliance nations as a independent nation but is regarded as part of Iran by the United Nations ).

May 28 With the Dutch marines still pushing to take control of the island a regiment of the KNIL is send to aid them in Ambon campaign will Dutch and Australian naval vessel continuo shelling Japanese and RIT coastal position and Dutch B-25 Mitchell and Australian B-24 Liberator bombers do the same from the sky based from basses in Australia and Dutch/ Portuguese Timor.

May 29 Before the sun has set the marshal coup begins when several hastily gathered and coup loyal soviet divisions begin their move in the capitol of the soviet union to end the reign of Stalin.